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Police refuse to chase helmet-less motorcycle perps

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So if some young lad say , 16 yrs old is having a cabby on his mates motorcycle.

Of previous good character, doing well at work but unfortunately is not insured for the bike and in a moment of stupidity rides off when police stop him.

Stupidity has always had a price: if the lad is lucky, it will just be points/a fine/caution/stern talking to. And a bill from his mate.


If he's not, he can have a posthumous Darwin award. Boo-f****-hoo.

So it's ok to chase him, risking his life, members of the public and not forgetting the officers doing the pursuit.

When I say 'we' would blame police I meant the royal 'we' and when I say we I meant Brits blaming UK police, not cheese eating surrender monkeys.

The cheese eating surrender monkey, he says 'yes, absolutely'.


Because the cheese eating surrender monkey would rather have the lad be stopped and have at least a stern talking to, than let the lad be risk-free of police interference, to experience yet another moment of stupidity resulting in a bump of the cheese eating surrender monkey's car, upping the cheese eating surrender monkey's insurance and generally making the cheese eating surrender monkey's life a bit of a logistical nuisance for a while. And that's if the lad is lucky, and doesn't bump a kid or a granny instead.


The cheese eating surrender monkey, he's also a polite and considerate monkey, so he also invites his fellow 104th monkey to consider the fate of the 300,000 or so "cheese eating surrender monkeys" killed or wounded in 1940 in the defence of their country, accounting for 150,000 or so Germans killed or wounded. Whilst the rosbifs were running all the way to Dunkirk with their tail between their legs :|

Edited by L00b
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Whilst the rosbifs were running all the way to Dunkirk with their tail between their legs :|


He who runs away lives to fight another day...:-)


We came back eventually when you'd got rid of the stink of garlic and it looked like you were in danger of having to learn the Horst Wessel Lied....

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The cheese eating surrender monkey, he's also a polite and considerate monkey, so he also invites his fellow 104th monkey to consider the fate of the 300,000 or so "cheese eating surrender monkeys" killed or wounded in 1940 in the defence of their country, accounting for 150,000 or so Germans killed or wounded. Whilst the rosbifs were running all the way to Dunkirk with their tail between their legs :|


My bold - You should try to resist lowering yourself to other peoples standards.


I agree that the police should not be overly concerned about the safety of people fleeing them. I think fleeing police should itself be a crime as it is in the USA.

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My bold - You should try to resist lowering yourself to other peoples standards.
It's a cheap shot, granted. Just testing whether they can take it as well as they dish it :D

We came back eventually when you'd got rid of the stink of garlic and it looked like you were in danger of having to learn the Horst Wessel Lied....
You and whose army, again? :P

Surely it's an open invitation to would-be-crims? Want to get away with something? Burgled a house and need a means of escape? Simply hop on a moped and off you go.
Indeed, and precisely why it shouldn't be allowed to happen.
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It's a cheap shot, granted. Just testing whether they can take it as well as they dish it :D

You and whose army, again? :P

Indeed, and precisely why it shouldn't be allowed to happen.


We had a rag tag bag of escapee Frogs and Poles and whatnot who were not patriotic enough to stay dans lat Patrie :)


As well as some Canucks and we even persuaded a colony of ours that revolted to come along and help as well :)


We made sure we pushed a the Frogs to the front when we got to Paris though. Far to dangerous for us to enter first you understand...


---------- Post added 29-05-2015 at 10:21 ----------


Surely it's an open invitation to would-be-crims? Want to get away with something? Burgled a house and need a means of escape? Simply hop on a moped and off you go.


Which is the very crux of the matter and why the police need to stop being perhaps a bit nesh about chasing people when it might hurt them.

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In most instances, I would agree, if you run from the police, and you have a fatal accident; you are to blame.


Certainly, if people are removing helmets in order to escape the police, I don't think that should be reason alone for the police to give up the chase.


However, theree are other factors to consider. Threat to bystanders. Threat to passenger(s) in/on the fleeing vehicle...


Someone on the back of a bike, may have no knowlege of the drivers criminal activity, and may not have opportunity to leave the vehicle before it flees from the police. Are the police right to risk that innocent person's life?


I would say not. But then, how would the police know? They don't. They do not have perfect information, so it's eneviatable they will make mistakes.

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