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Police refuse to chase helmet-less motorcycle perps

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Quite possibly.


Are you saying then, that it is acceptable, in that 1 in a 100 case, where the passenger is unaware of any criminal activity; for the police to give chase and endanger the life of that person?


I really can't envision a (realistic) scenario in which a passenger climbing on the back of a bike with a helmet less rider cannot be aware that criminal activity is taking place.

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The thing is, it's not just nitwits riding without helmets that the police won't stop. At least if they're riding their own bikes and they're not wearing a helmet, on their own head be it (bum tish).


The problem is, someone could have committed a crime and they still won't be stopped.


A couple of scenarios I've come across recently:


1 - colleague had their motorbike stolen. It was reported by several people buzzing about various locations, but couldn't be stopped.


2 - another colleague lives on the same street as a drug dealer who uses a moped to do his dealing. The police have told them they can't catch the dealer at it, as they won't stop him on his moped.


Surely it can't be a blanket rule? What if someone did a drive-by shooting from a motorbike?! (Just been watching the last episode of Happy Valley - made me think of this!)

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So how do you go about changing the decision that police do not chase motorcyclists bearing in mind it is they who will be castigated by the public if someone is injured or killed.
How does "blaming the culprits for their own decisions" and not looking for excuses grab you?


Or am I having a failure of common sense again? :confused:

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