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VIP paedophile ring

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I see that Tom Watson just had his backside handed to him with the instruction to apologise again, this time properly, for his accusations, undermining investgations, and abusing Parliamentary privilege. This is the man who Corbyn would have as his Deputy PM. What a pair they would make. :rolleyes:



I see it as the oldboy network have got him to say "sorry in a letter" to the widow. how come that in nearly a year the police didn't tell Brittan that he was not under investigation surely such a high profile figure this would warrant closure as soon as they knew (or they were waiting for more evidence to come forward). remember here we are dealing with a police force as corrupt as the government they serve :roll: I cant see Watson has lost his job over this hmm I wonder why:huh:

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You can't it have it both ways with the "oldboy network".


On the one hand the "oldboy network" make him write a polite letter to a widow, on the other hand the "oldboy network" lets a dying former Home Secretary go to his death bed thinking that might be prosecuted for rape when they had actually decided that there was no case a year earlier.


Make your mind up.

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You can't it have it both ways with the "oldboy network".


On the one hand the "oldboy network" make him write a polite letter to a widow, on the other hand the "oldboy network" lets a dying former Home Secretary go to his death bed thinking that might be prosecuted for rape when they had actually decided that there was no case a year earlier.


Make your mind up.


I would imagine there's something of a struggle going on between those trying to expose the truth and those trying to cover it up, so you're going to get dichotomies like this.

Probably depends on whether you're a Mason or not....


The TV programme about child abuser and procurer Jimmy Savile the other night was pretty shocking, I don't think we know the half of it yet.

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You can't it have it both ways with the "oldboy network".


On the one hand the "oldboy network" make him write a polite letter to a widow, on the other hand the "oldboy network" lets a dying former Home Secretary go to his death bed thinking that might be prosecuted for rape when they had actually decided that there was no case a year earlier.


Make your mind up.


I can have it any way I like theres more "oldboy networks" operating in this country some obviously wont agree with others and there has to be a fall guy somewhere (in this case it don't appear to be Watson):suspect:. I also find it funny that this comes out after the mans death (maybe they know something we don't)and not giving him the nod the public can make their own minds up eh :hihi:

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