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Corruption at the top.

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Banking, government, business, the Church..... now football. Corruption seems to be everywhere these days.


It seems to be particularly rife at the top of organisations:


It seems to be the people who already have most, that want even more.

Or maybe they only have the most in the first place, because of corruption. What do you think?


It wasn't always like this. Britain in particular, used to have a worldwide reputation for honesty, integrity and fair dealing. When, where and why did it all start to go wrong?


Is there anything these days that can say it is corruption free...?

Edited by Anna B
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Banking, government, business, the Church..... now football. Corruption seems to be everywhere these days.


It seems to be particularly rife at the top of organisations:


It wasn't always like this. Britain in particular, used to have a worldwide reputation for honesty, integrity and fair dealing. When, where and why did it all start to go wrong?


It was always like this, power corrupts.


If we had a reputation for honesty integrity and fair dealing it was only because we were good at PR.


Thank the modern media and modern communication technology which permits the leaking and spreading of information which shows us just how corrupt everything is.

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There will always been corruption somewhere as there is always people who want more even when they have quite a bit of money already. Maybe money is addictive? So they will do anything to get more of it - never had lots of money so I can't comment from personal experience.


I don't think that everyone who has money is corrupt. But in some fields of business a lack of morals can get you further up the tree - for example sales, from the stories you here some people will use any method to get someone else to buy something, no matter if that involves lies or threats.


Agree with flamingjimmy about communication technology - it is very easy for someone with only basic knowledge of the internet to spread the word about something - forums, Twitter, Facebook, etc.

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I agree about modern communications.


Corrupt nations used to be ridiculed and reviled as 'Banana Republics' at one time. We always set ourselves way above them. So if we have always been this corrupt, (and personally, I don't think we have,) then we can add total hypocrisy to the list of charges.


Yet we try and justify wars against people like Putin on the grounds that he is evil and corrupt, but we are about truth and justice. Again, plain hypocrisy.


What is most alarming, whether a new thing or not, is that corruption is seemingly accepted as normal these days and is therefore OK.

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I agree about modern communications.


Corrupt nations used to be ridiculed and reviled as 'Banana Republics' at one time. We always set ourselves way above them. So if we have always been this corrupt, (and personally, I don't think we have,) then we can add total hypocrisy to the list of charges.


Yet we try and justify wars against people like Putin on the grounds that he is evil and corrupt, but we are about truth and justice. Again, plain hypocrisy.


What is most alarming, whether a new thing or not, is that corruption is seemingly accepted as normal these days and is therefore OK.


We were always corrupt, not sure how all the pillaging and empire building can be anything but corrupt.

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I agree about modern communications.


Corrupt nations used to be ridiculed and reviled as 'Banana Republics' at one time. We always set ourselves way above them. So if we have always been this corrupt, (and personally, I don't think we have,) then we can add total hypocrisy to the list of charges.


Yet we try and justify wars against people like Putin on the grounds that he is evil and corrupt, but we are about truth and justice. Again, plain hypocrisy.


What is most alarming, whether a new thing or not, is that corruption is seemingly accepted as normal these days and is therefore OK.


Yeah I don't like the tolerance we have for it either.


How far back do you think we need to go to find a time when those in power in Britain were significantly less corrupt than they are now? To what period are you referring?

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Banking, government, business, the Church..... now football. Corruption seems to be everywhere these days.


It seems to be particularly rife at the top of organisations:


It seems to be the people who already have most, that want even more.

Or maybe they only have the most in the first place, because of corruption. What do you think?


It wasn't always like this. Britain in particular, used to have a worldwide reputation for honesty, integrity and fair dealing. When, where and why did it all start to go wrong?


Is there anything these days that can say it is corruption free...?


How do you think that the empire came about? We never had an army big enough to conquer, so it was achieved by a series of back stabbing double dealing manoeuvres, often by playing one local side off against the other.

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I agree about modern communications.


Corrupt nations used to be ridiculed and reviled as 'Banana Republics' at one time. We always set ourselves way above them. So if we have always been this corrupt, (and personally, I don't think we have,) then we can add total hypocrisy to the list of charges.


Yet we try and justify wars against people like Putin on the grounds that he is evil and corrupt, but we are about truth and justice. Again, plain hypocrisy.


What is most alarming, whether a new thing or not, is that corruption is seemingly accepted as normal these days and is therefore OK.


I think in cases of corruption the role of the media is vital in bringing information to the public: as has been said before 'sunlight is the best disinfectant'.


Corruption at the top involving millions / billions of £s is often ignored or justified, yet some poor sod caught out fiddling a few quid out of the benefits system has 10 tonne of **** heaped on them :rant:

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