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Corruption at the top.

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I think in cases of corruption the role of the media is vital in bringing information to the public: as has been said before 'sunlight is the best disinfectant'.


Corruption at the top involving millions / billions of £s is often ignored or justified, yet some poor sod caught out fiddling a few quid out of the benefits system has 10 tonne of **** heaped on them :rant:


Totally agree.


I also think that lying to the general public is corrupt, especially as politicians use their reputations as 'honourables' to give what they say weight. But again, it seems to be generally accepted these days as part of the game.

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Banking, government, business, the Church..... now football. Corruption seems to be everywhere these days.


It seems to be particularly rife at the top of organisations:


It seems to be the people who already have most, that want even more.

Or maybe they only have the most in the first place, because of corruption. What do you think?


It wasn't always like this. Britain in particular, used to have a worldwide reputation for honesty, integrity and fair dealing. When, where and why did it all start to go wrong?


Is there anything these days that can say it is corruption free...?


The people at the top are greedy, selfish and often rather lazy. Anything for an easy ride!

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Banking, government, business, the Church..... now football. Corruption seems to be everywhere these days.


It seems to be particularly rife at the top of organisations:


It seems to be the people who already have most, that want even more.

Or maybe they only have the most in the first place, because of corruption. What do you think?


It wasn't always like this. Britain in particular, used to have a worldwide reputation for honesty, integrity and fair dealing. When, where and why did it all start to go wrong?


Is there anything these days that can say it is corruption free...?


I think it was always like this, and when the English were plundering the world it wasn't because of honesty, integrity and fair dealing.

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Banking, government, business, the Church..... now football. Corruption seems to be everywhere these days.


It seems to be particularly rife at the top of organisations:


It seems to be the people who already have most, that want even more.

Or maybe they only have the most in the first place, because of corruption. What do you think?


It wasn't always like this. Britain in particular, used to have a worldwide reputation for honesty, integrity and fair dealing. When, where and why did it all start to go wrong?


Is there anything these days that can say it is corruption free...?


my bold

Are you not familiar with the term Perfidious Albion ?

That said I would imagine every country was playing the same game, they were not quite as good as the British though.

There has been corruption ever since time began, it's a common human trait to lie and deceive, particularly to gain advantage or favour, even young children learn to do this, thus it will never change .... IMHO.

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Banking, government, business, the Church..... now football. Corruption seems to be everywhere these days.


Yes, for thousands of years there was no corruption, until, after being unchanged for countless millennia, human nature suddenly altered quite recently.


Scientists admit they're baffled as to why this occurred. Personally I blame Thatcher.

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Yes, for thousands of years there was no corruption, until, after being unchanged for countless millennia, human nature suddenly altered quite recently.


Scientists admit they're baffled as to why this occurred. Personally I blame Thatcher.


You're obviously taking the peas but Thatcher did not invent selfishness, greed and contempt for the poor & weak. She just made it socially acceptable to people like you!

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Yes, for thousands of years there was no corruption, until, after being unchanged for countless millennia, human nature suddenly altered quite recently.


Scientists admit they're baffled as to why this occurred. Personally I blame Thatcher.


Corruption is not acceptable, and should be stopped.


If I'm wrong, please tell me now, and I will happily join in with the rest and get my share of goodies by whatever means. And heaven help them if they try to send me to jail for it. After all what's good enough for them should be good enough for me. No jail for them, no jail for me.


Or do we have some people who are simply above the law or not?

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It's not so much corruption at the top, more corruption gets you to the top, or keeps you at the top.


It's incredible isn't it? I'm amazed how the majority of people get by day to day and plug on not knowing that the society in which they live is totally corrupt.

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