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Old Coroners Court Building

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Just noticed a planning application to build a block of flats on the site of the Old Coroners Court building on Nursery Street. This building has a lovely and distinctive facade which I hope they will retain.

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The clue's on the nameboard!!




Thank you- so the label that I'm seeing when I try to search for it is incorrect, which is what I thought.


I'm not originally from Sheffield and all of the work that I've done through the Coroner's court was after the move to the new court on Watery Street, so this was a genuine query.

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The coroners corurt for this thread was pre watery street I think part of the nursery street building also housed another court think it closed circa 1974 ish . It was certainly still open in October 1972.

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The coroners corurt for this thread was pre watery street I think part of the nursery street building also housed another court think it closed circa 1974 ish . It was certainly still open in October 1972.


The other court at the side of the coroners court was the old juvenile court. I think i am correct in saying, the old mortuary was behind that building.

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Just noticed a planning application to build a block of flats on the site of the Old Coroners Court building on Nursery Street. This building has a lovely and distinctive facade which I hope they will retain.


The council's planning website has all the info about the planning application online, and you can make comments:



The summary is:

15/01657/OUT | Mixed-use development comprising ground floor retail with 26 space car park and residential use comprising 42 apartments and erection of a 5/6 storey building with raised podium/landscaped courtyard at first floor level above proposed car park and retention of existing facade | Metropolitan Support Trust Old Coroners Court Business Centre 14 - 38 Nursery Street Sheffield S3 8GG


It says they are keeping the facade (good), but it's only two-storey with a new 6-storey building behind it, so it'd be easy to cut corners and make it look a complete pig's ear. And when you look at the drawings of how it'll look (e.g. document Perspective view of front 2), it doesn't inspire much hope: the new building makes no attempt to really integrate with the old brick style of the existing building, and it looks like a bodged mismatch to me.

I'd just like to point out for the record that I don't dislike the modern building style - but it's the way they've combined it with the old coroner's building which I don't like.

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