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Life With Arrhythmia ( Irregular Heartbeat)

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Having recently end up at A&E with chest pains , the nurses kept check on my heart beat it became clear that I have a irregular rhyme. After an overnight stay was released I do feel better now but will have to go back soon for checks . Does anyone else suffer with this ,what treatment are given, how does it effect your daily life? Thanks.

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Sorry to hear that you're sick crookedspire. The term arrhythmia is a catch all term for lots of different conditions, which is probably what the tests will differentiate. For some arrhthmias there is medication but for others the long term treatment is a pacemaker or an internal defibrillator.


For those that are on medication and are maintained on it, they generally do well and are encouraged to keep active, give their heart workouts and look after themselves in exactly the same way as people who don't have a heart problem.


I know several people who have had pacemakers fitted and they all agree that although they feel like they have been kicked by a horse directly after the operation, the pacemaker does make them feel a lot more like themselves.


It's not the arrhythmia you know about that is the issue for the future, it's having one and not addressing it, so good on you for getting to the hospital :)

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My cousin, who is 80, has had it for ages. His medication works fine so long as he doesn't eat/drink grapefruit.


Is the reason for the ban on Grapefruit due to the acid and possibly lead to a build up of acid in the stomach?

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Is the reason for the ban on Grapefruit due to the acid and possibly lead to a build up of acid in the stomach?


No- grapefruit has a compound in the juice which interacts with loads of different types of medication. Depending on the individual drug it may slow absorption (thus reducing the dose in the body) or slow removal from the bloodstream (thus causing a potentially dangerous build up of the drug in the body) so those on regular medication need to know whether grapefruit interacts with their medication.


Thankfully if you need to know about and avoid grapefruit your pharmacist should know about this and warn you about it :)

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I didn't realise how ill I was before my pacemaker was fitted. It took my pacemaker being put in to realise how much of an improvement had been made.

Yes, you feel like a horse has kicked you for the first couple of weeks, but you will feel so different after.


I have 2nd degree heart block, and my heart "forgets" to beat, so I fainted. I still get lightheaded, but its great not passing out like I used to do.


The scary thing is that half of folk with this condition die within the first year, so I've had an extra fiveyears so far thanksto the pacemaker which I wouldn't have had otherwise.

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I didn't realise how ill I was before my pacemaker was fitted. It took my pacemaker being put in to realise how much of an improvement had been made.

Yes, you feel like a horse has kicked you for the first couple of weeks, but you will feel so different after.


I have 2nd degree heart block, and my heart "forgets" to beat, so I fainted. I still get lightheaded, but its great not passing out like I used to do.


The scary thing is that half of folk with this condition die within the first year, so I've had an extra fiveyears so far thanksto the pacemaker which I wouldn't have had otherwise.

What !

No one told me this when they found out I had it - as well as dilated cardiomyopathy.

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Having recently end up at A&E with chest pains , the nurses kept check on my heart beat it became clear that I have a irregular rhyme. After an overnight stay was released I do feel better now but will have to go back soon for checks . Does anyone else suffer with this ,what treatment are given, how does it effect your daily life? Thanks.


Have you any idea what arrhythmia you have and what medication have you be given for it ?

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