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Is there snobbery in house buying?

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Yes, I am familiar with these rules, thx - I suggest you see the edits.


We are, after all, discussing long term investment, are we not?

Waiting for the Sheffield housing stock appreciating 27% annually since 2009. That would teach me something I don't know :)


Stop grabbing at straws loob. You and I both know CGT isn't payable on a main residence as long as you stay within the guidelines I copy and pasted. You've missed out big time, hopefully you will be able to come to terms with such a terrible basic financial faux pas. #rookiemistakebyloob.com


I bet if I drive past your house next week I'll see a for sale sign. :hihi:

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Stop grabbing at straws loob.
I'm not grabbing at straws at all, I'm following your logic:

You and I both know CGT isn't payable on a main residence as long as you stay within the guidelines I copy and pasted.
Yep, "as long as", as I pointed earlier. So your logic is ceilinged (as am I, because I wouldn't get out of where we are, unless there is a good acre of land around the place). And remains at all times subject to the continuing goodwill of the Exchequer. From experience, that's a dangerous entity to trust for long-term plans.

You've missed out big time, hopefully you will be able to come to terms with such a terrible basic financial faux pas. #rookiemistakebyloob.com


I bet if I drive past your house next week I'll see a for sale sign. :hihi:

Oh I don't know. By your standards I must be alright, since we're in a 4-bed detached already :)


Are you in the market for a 4-bed detached? :hihi:

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Finally what? :confused:


Our first joint venture of course.


We knock down your 4 bed and build 10 terrace town houses in it's place, split the costs and profits of the build, what do you say? House prices are only going up, the average house went up in value by £100 every day in April. Please tell me you're not going to miss this boat as well. Honestly loob, learn to recognise an opportunity when it comes your way.

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Our first joint venture of course.


We knock down your 4 bed and build 10 terrace town houses in it's place, split the costs and profits of the build, what do you say?

I don't need to split costs with you or anyone else to do that, so why should I JV and split anything with you?


What are you bringing to the deal that I can't get from anyone else? What's unique about you?

Please tell me you're not going to miss this boat as well. Honestly loob, learn to recognise an opportunity when it comes your way.
I've been dealing with start-ups and entrepreneurs every day for the past 15 years: you'll have to forgive me if I appear a bit blasé about 'boats' and all who sail in them. I'm talking both proper ones and some who've run the Dragons' Den rigmarole.


Seen far too many disasters at sea in that time, I'm afraid, and I've got the 1,000 yard stare and enough unpaid bills to prove it :D

Edited by L00b
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so why should I JV and split anything with you?


Because you have a plot all nice and ready to go, granted your pesky 4 bed is in the way but we can soon fix that. We'd have planning in a few months, I'll even let you drive the first digger on to the site.


What are you bringing to the deal that I can't get from anyone else?


What you so desperately need! VISION AND ACTION! As I'm the go getter with all the vision, you can keep those blinkers on you've become so attached to. Sound good?


I've been dealing with start-ups and entrepreneurs every day for the past 15 years: you'll have to forgive me if I appear a bit blasé about boats and all who sail in them ;)


Always the bridesmaid never the bride eh loob. This is your chance loob, will you take it or are you destined to watch others for the next 15 years following their dreams from the sidelines. You can do it loob. Are you in?

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Because you have a plot all nice and ready to go, granted your pesky 4 bed is in the way but we can soon fix that. We'd have planning in a few months, I'll even let you drive the first digger on to the site.
Ah, so you need me. So, what kind of split we're looking at?

What you so desperately need! VISION AND ACTION! As I'm the go getter with all the vision, you can keep those blinkers on you've become so attached to. Sound good?
Sounds like the typical boardroom wind of freshly-funded start-ups looking to max out their burn rate. Must do better, Bonaparte, my attention span is nearly over.

Always the bridesmaid never the bride eh loob.
Ever heard of the hare and the tortoise? ;)

This is your chance loob, will you take it or are you destined to watch others for the next 15 years following their dreams from the sidelines.
I'll let you in on a little professional secret, because I'm feeling facetious and I like your trolling ways: sidelines are the best spot to be in. You get to see all the action and take part in some of it against handsome remuneration, without taking any of the risks, nor any of the liabilities. Win-win for me, regardless of the lose-lose, win-lose or win-win outcome of the start-up :thumbsup: (admittedly, when the start-up's wins are down to me, it does feel extra extra nice :D) Edited by L00b
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Ok Cyclone, if we really must. That as you know fully well is not a starter home terrace house which we are talking about.

You keep insisting they're cheap, starter homes, high crime areas.

I keep proving that they're not.

You didn't like London. Now you don't like it in Sheffield.


Stop being silly.


I would never buy that property or ever want to live there. Firstly, because it's in the middle of nowhere.

Yes, it must be all of 6 miles from the city centre and at least 1.5 from Hillsborough. You probably need a landy in the summer and a team of huskies in the winter.

You might not agree with this but you certainly would come the winter. Better have a seriously powerful 4x4 to live in that development. Even though it's a house, I've got a feeling it's still subject to a monthly service charge as it's located within the main development so uses some of it's amenities. It's also surrounded by a lot of land, who knows what that will become in future. And of course, it doesn't look like a property which can be extended or have value added. £500k for S6, hell no. £300k for S6, hell no.

You don't own a house do you? Not really. You're 12 and live with your Mum...

Like I said, once you realised you wanted more, (NOT snobbery), you bailed because you could afford to.

And I already told you you were wrong, I could have moved at least 5 years before I did. I could move again now if I wanted to that house in Rivelin valley, but I'm happy here thanks.


---------- Post added 02-06-2015 at 20:12 ----------





What you so desperately need! VISION AND ACTION! As I'm the go getter with all the vision, you can keep those blinkers on you've become so attached to. Sound good?

You got so much vision and action that you've registered on a forum to argue with people you don't know...

Edited by Cyclone
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Seen far too many disasters at sea in that time, I'm afraid, and I've got the 1,000 yard stare and enough unpaid bills to prove it :D


This is almost interesting, can you regale us with some tales of disaster and unpaid bills. I might learn something.


Ah, so you need me. So, what kind of split we're looking at?


I'd be willing to go 50/50 as you have the plot.


Sounds like the typical boardroom wind of freshly-funded start-ups looking to max out their burn rate.


It's just a property deal Loob, STOP procrastinating! LETS GO ALREADY!


Ever heard of the hare and the tortoise? ;)


Ever heard of the Candy Brothers?


You get to see all the action and take part in some of it against handsome remuneration, without taking any of the risks, nor any of the liabilities.


You're just scared of risk loob, it's natural but who knows how much that fear has cost you over the years. Slow and steady wins the very boring mediocre marathon loob. Big, bold and fast wins the amazing race.


It's a real shame! We could have been great together loob, me as the captain of the ship, you as first mate.


---------- Post added 02-06-2015 at 20:25 ----------



and a team of huskies in the winter.


I agree.


You don't own a house do you? Not really. You're 12 and live with your Mum...


Pathetic even for you.


you've registered on a forum to argue with people you don't know.


We are discussing. Don't be such a drama queen.

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