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Is there snobbery in house buying?

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Ah well, maybe now you have hit on something - and I can see where you're coming from. I enjoy being an accountant and I am good at managing my organisation's money. If I were to act for you in a professional capacity then I'd put your financial needs at the top of the list. So, yeah I think I do OK.


However, as I've got older I've had a bit of an epiphany if you will and realised that, in a world where billions don't get enough to eat, I am one of the lucky few. My life has been a breeze since day one: no real problems - well the usual unsuitable men looking for a girl with money - but nowt major. I have a loving family: mum and dad both still here, a gorgeous sister and an even more gorgeous niece. These are the important things to me.


I have enough to do the things that I want to do and I'm genuinely thankful for that. So now I do my bit to help others. I know who I am, know what I want and really don't feel the need to keep up with everyone else.


Like I've said, I'm a bit eccentric - my hair is shaved down to a number one and sports a wide variety of colours and patterns. But, just to counter any argument, it doesn't mean that I can't grow it - cos all girls want long hair, right? Wrong.


Did you see the little girl doing the martial arts on Britain's Got Talent? Her mum wanted a princess but she told her mum - and she's only nine - that "not every wee girl wants to be a princess".


Anyway, what I've told you is true and I'm prepared to put my right hand on the Bible and say it again - and I so wouldn't do that if I were lying.


There's always someone in life who doesn't fit the profile. And I'm one of them :)


It has been an interesting debate. I'm sure our paths will cross again.


Carrie (not the kind of girl you'd marry) xx


... and also an Abba fan?


That's me! ;)

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... and also an Abba fan?


That's me! ;)


WOW :) Someone else who knows some of the more obscure ABBA songs. I LOVE ABBA. And that song suits me so well.


Apparently it's cool to be an ABBA fan these days.


Carrie xxx

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So why do people always feel the need to borrow as much as they are allowed to,just so they can get that new build house rather being a lot more savy

It really makes no sense!


You seem very fixated on new builds. I wouldn't even consider buying a new build as my main home unless it was a repossession at a serious discount, 50% minimum. But i would definitely max out on a mortgage to buy an older house in the best area because mortgage debt decreases over time whilst the value increases. Hence why having cash savings sitting doing nothing in the bank is literally stupid.

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I incorrectly assumed you were male! As you're female it now all makes sense and I genuinely believe everything you have said. Sorry about that.


No apology needed at all. You're entitled to your opinion, even if it doesn't always quite mesh in with mine.


Incidentally, why does it matter that I'm female? Are men so much more driven my money and material things? Is that true?


C x

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No apology needed at all. You're entitled to your opinion, even if it doesn't always quite mesh in with mine.


Incidentally, why does it matter that I'm female? Are men so much more driven my money and material things? Is that true?


C x

You bet we are... Money, money, money! :hihi:

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No apology needed at all. You're entitled to your opinion, even if it doesn't always quite mesh in with mine.


Incidentally, why does it matter that I'm female? Are men so much more driven my money and material things? Is that true?


C x


Boys like girls... and girls like cars and money - should be a song about that

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Boys like girls... and girls like cars and money - should be a song about that


Well boys don't like ME. Pffft! Think they prefer girls who are a bit more conventional. And slightly less opinionated. Oh well :sad: Shame really. I'm in very good nick for my age.


C x

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Incidentally, why does it matter that I'm female? Are men so much more driven my money and material things? Is that true?


A man in your position, single or married would never live as you do, he probably couldn't even if he wanted to, he'd get too much pressure to upgrade to a more affluent area or perceived better lifestyle by the women or family in his life. Men generally are slaves to their work for life and have no choice but to be driven and hungry for more and more financial gain.

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