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Abbeydale Secondary School,Sheffield

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Hi All

Please be gentle with me I am new to all this. I tripped over this site by accident and have spent several days reading everything off interest. As it is a new term I must be the new old boy. I have already made my first mistake giving someone an answer to a question and then noticing that the question was four years old.

Anyway I was at Abbeydale, Infants, Juniors and Seniors as they were called then Seniors from '57 to '60. Unfortunately I am unable to attend reunions due to domestic circumstances, but when you see Mrs Cooper mention the Switzerland trip I think '59 or '60. I also remember a swimming gala at Heeley, when we came out it had been raining so bad there was flooding everywhere and no buses to get home. I have not been a involved in anything like this before so please forgive if this is all wrong. RG

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Hi Roy,i also went thro" the school with a small stint at Carter Knowle before going to the seniors in 1961 ( crickey) I was in Mr Glasbeys class and also Mr Cartwright"s before he was headmaster , hope i was gentle enough lol take care

Chris xx

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Hi Roy, Thank you for your message, I run the School Reunion and if you would care to let me have your email address I will willingly put you on our mailing list. I do have one member who left school in 1960 a Terence Hobson. Perhaps you may remember him. I will, of course, give my regards to Mrs Cooper when I next see her. If you can manage to get our next meeting is on the 27th September (Saturday) at the Beauchief Hotel Abbeydale Road South Sheffield. My email address is JuliaLloyd.60@hotmail.co.uk. I left school in 1953. Regards, Julia

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Hi Julia, Unlike some others I seem to have a problem remembering names, others can recall name after name. I don't remember being a loner in fact quite the opposite, perhaps faces mean more.

I would have trouble with attending reunions due to my domestic circumstances but I will send you my email address via an email to you, Many thanks & kind regards RG.

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Hi all from abbeydale secondary school sheffield.

I was known as BORIS even the teachers didn't know my real name, I remember and have met since. 'Mr Wilson' the gym teacher, who used to give me the slipper often. I deserved it as I was a total pain. but total respect to this man, same as Mr Spooner and Mr Cartwright (who was evil with the cane) taught me respect. they were excellent teachers in their own right, recently went to the 'old school' to have a look around. boy how it's changed, apart from the hall where we used to train for the school badminton team, Jarvos if you out there do you remember walking back and forth in front of the net returning all oppositions shots? that was awesome. we were good...such a shame the change to the old school to be so dramatic.(follow my meaning?)

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