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What's happening to money?

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I don't know how you can think what is happening is OK.


I never claimed it was Anna so please don't be ascribing things to me when I blatantly never said them. That's dishonest of you - but again you know this so why you do it....


I cannot answer the points because I do not have the figures or the knowledge as you know.


So go get the figures and knowledge then. Sheesh... I starting to think this is learned helplessness...

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Another one for you. Sir Alford Houstoun-Boswall,the headmaster of 'The Harrodian' private school, has awarded himself a bonus of £9.5 million. The previous year it was a 'more modest' £290,000. This is basically nothing to do with ability or results, but because he able to charge his celebrity pupils £20,000 a year. So wealth feeds off wealth, and the elite become more estranged from reality.


Not only is this bad for society, but a kick in the face for ordinary hard working educators, who believe me, work just as hard, but then hard work is no longer the criteria for pay.

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Another one for you. Sir Alford Houstoun-Boswall,the headmaster of 'The Harrodian' private school, has awarded himself a bonus of £9.5 million. The previous year it was a 'more modest' £290,000. This is basically nothing to do with ability or results, but because he able to charge his celebrity pupils £20,000 a year. So wealth feeds off wealth, and the elite become more estranged from reality.


Not only is this bad for society, but a kick in the face for ordinary hard working educators, who believe me, work just as hard, but then hard work is no longer the criteria for pay.


Why he is able to charge "celebrity pupils" £20k a year?

What is it about him that allowed such a vast bonus?

What is it about this SPECIFIC school that attracts such demand and thus the such high price tag?

Why are all these people so desperate to pay such a high amount?

How much money has the presence of this individual earnt the school?

How much money did the school earn prior to his appointment?


Ask yourself some of those questions.


Things don't just happen.


A school doesn't just have a £20k price tag without a specific reason.

Mugs don't just pay a £20k price tag unless they believe there to be a good reason.

A private enterprise, no matter how rich, don't just allow a obscene bonus payment without a belief that it is deserved.


There is far more to this than your simplistic comparators are making out.


Of course is a kick in the nuts to anyone in the public education sector but that's always going to be present. Private money vs Public Money is never in 10 millions years going to be comparable.


There is nothing to stop any of the millions of "hard done" teachers and heads leaving and going into the private education sector themselves.


Oh BTW, just to be very clear on the slightly blurred facts. It was not a "bonus payment" Sir Alford is the organisation's SOLE SHAREHOLDER. He founded the school and its his business and his money. If its making a record profit with record growth why shouldn't the SOLE SHAREHOLDER of their own business not take out a chunk of their OWN MONEY.


Lets face it 9.5 million is still nothing compared to the annual earnings of some coiffed hair nancy kicking a ball around a pitch or some talking head fronting a tv show.

Edited by ECCOnoob
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Why he is able to charge "celebrity pupils" £20k a year?

What is it about him that allowed such a vast bonus?

What is it about this SPECIFIC school that attracts such demand and thus the such high price tag?

Why are all these people so desperate to pay such a high amount?

How much money has the presence of this individual earnt the school?

How much money did the school earn prior to his appointment?


Ask yourself some of those questions.


Things don't just happen.


A school doesn't just have a £20k price tag without a specific reason.

Mugs don't just pay a £20k price tag unless they believe there to be a good reason.

A private enterprise, no matter how rich, don't just allow a obscene bonus payment without a belief that it is deserved.


There is far more to this than your simplistic comparators are making out.


Of course is a kick in the nuts to anyone in the public education sector but that's always going to be present. Private money vs Public Money is never in 10 millions years going to be comparable.

There is nothing to stop any of the millions of "hard done" teachers and heads leaving and going into the private education sector themselves.


Oh BTW, just to be very clear on the slightly blurred facts. It was not a "bonus payment" Sir Alford is the organisation's SOLE SHAREHOLDER. He founded the school and its his business and his money. If its making a record profit with record growth why shouldn't the SOLE SHAREHOLDER of their own business not take out a chunk of their OWN MONEY.


Lets face it 9.5 million is still nothing compared to the annual earnings of some coiffed hair nancy kicking a ball around a pitch or some talking head fronting a tv show.


Yet over and over again we hear of public servants in every sector trying to justify 6 figure salaries 'because that's the going rate in the private sector, and we have to have the best..' forgetting that their salary is paid by taxpayer who probably earns a pittance, and that they are rarely held accountable for their disasters when it all goes wrong.

Edited by Anna B
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Yet over and over again we hear of public servants in every sector trying to justify 6 figure salaries 'because that's the going rate in the private sector, and we have to have the best..' forgetting that their salary is paid by taxpayer who probably earns a pittance, and that they are rarely held accountable for their disasters when it all goes wrong.


Not all taxpayers by any means earn a pittance - and the ones that do will barely pay any tax (if at all).


And I don't thinlk I've heard any teachers in the public sector asking for six figure salaries.

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Why he is able to charge "celebrity pupils" £20k a year?

What is it about him that allowed such a vast bonus?

What is it about this SPECIFIC school that attracts such demand and thus the such high price tag?

Why are all these people so desperate to pay such a high amount?

How much money has the presence of this individual earnt the school?

How much money did the school earn prior to his appointment?


The Baronette started the school in 1993 so last question is not relevant. I suspect this is down to 'who you know' rather than what you know. Once it starts to get the odd celebrity, the rest will follow. Heaven forbid they should have to mix with 'ordinary' people. It is also situated in Barnes, London, a particularly well healed area, so handy for the posh people who can afford it.


'Why are these people so desperate to pay such a vast amount?' I would say it's simply because they can. Same reason they would pay £150 for a chicken salad at the Ivy. It sure isn't the cost of the ingredients.


It's simply a case of money following the money. Which is what this thread is about. We now have a two tier money system, with money being no object to some, but the knock on effect affecting everybody. We also see society dividing along the same lines. The super rich only want to mix with their own kind, and despise everyone else.

Edited by Ms Macbeth
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Why he is able to charge "celebrity pupils" £20k a year?

What is it about him that allowed such a vast bonus?

What is it about this SPECIFIC school that attracts such demand and thus the such high price tag?

Why are all these people so desperate to pay such a high amount?

How much money has the presence of this individual earnt the school?

How much money did the school earn prior to his appointment?


The Baronette started the school in 1993 so last question is not relevant. I suspect this is down to 'who you know' rather than what you know. Once it starts to get the odd celebrity, the rest will follow. Heaven forbid they should have to mix with 'ordinary' people. It is also situated in Barnes, London, a particularly well healed area, so handy for the posh people who can afford it.


'Why are these people so desperate to pay such a vast amount?' I would say it's simply because they can. Same reason they would pay £150 for a chicken salad at the Ivy. It sure isn't the cost of the ingredients.


It's simply a case of money following the money. Which is what this thread is about. We now have a two tier money system, with money being no object to some, but the knock on effect affecting everybody. We also see society dividing along the same lines. The super rich only want to mix with their own kind, and despise everyone else


How does this have a knock on effect to you? There is no equivalent role in the public sector of owning a school so no teacher would ever be able to use it as a reason to ask for higher wages.

You despise the super rich so its a two way street.

Edited by Ms Macbeth
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Another one for you.


How about you answer or address the previous points raised about drug companies first then Anna before going off on another tangent where you will refuse to answer, complain you haven't got access to the information, and know nothing but still postulate that somethings wrong in the face of overwhelming evidence?

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