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Cancer Research, is it a big con?

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Well, like I've said several times, everyone can read what you've written, so the evidence is all there.


You know what's missing here



It's the word NOW, that you think should be there.


And the antonym, impossible (which if it's not possible is what applies), doesn't mean NOW either.


You're predictions of magically avoiding all cancer are just a wish, they're not based on rational thought or supported by any kind of understanding of the universe we currently have.

You gone through a series of predictions about becoming immune to radiation, somehow avoiding all radiation, all in an effort to support the prediction that we can avoid all cancer, but fundamentally it just doesn't make sense.


It doesn't make sense to you, but very little does.


It doesn't need now, if it can't be done or achieved now, then it isn't possible for now, but might be possible in the future.


If it can be done or achieved now then it is possible even though we might choose not to do it.


You are placing limitation on what might be possible in the future on your current very limited and very likley inaccurate knowledge.

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Most things make sense to me. You rarely do though.


Travel to mars is possible. We understand how it could be done. We can't do it NOW. But that doesn't mean it's impossible.


You are speculating wildly about what might be done in the future despite it contradicting our current best understanding of the laws the universe runs by. You might as well claim that magic will cure all cancer, it's just meaningless noise.

The amount of back tracking you had to do after claiming that we could avoid all radiation and/or that cells could be made immune to radiation tell us everything we need to know.

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Most things make sense to me. You rarely do though.


Travel to mars is possible. We understand how it could be done. We can't do it NOW. But that doesn't mean it's impossible.


You are speculating wildly about what might be done in the future despite it contradicting our current best understanding of the laws the universe runs by. You might as well claim that magic will cure all cancer, it's just meaningless noise.

The amount of back tracking you had to do after claiming that we could avoid all radiation and/or that cells could be made immune to radiation tell us everything we need to know.


And you are claiming something to be impossible based on your current very limited understanding of the universe.

You have proven time and time again that you lack understanding of many things including the English language.

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I'm going to throw in a real curveball and return to the original topic.

Is cancer research a big con? No, numerous posters have given examples of valuable strands of cancer research and the reasons why it costs so much.


I have heard mentioned a few times recently that what may be counterproductive are the different charities all competing for donations. I don't know how valid this point is, it depends I guess on how much their research areas overlap, but I could see an argument for pooling resource more strategically.

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Without all these appraisals,they would not be able to recruit new clients.


Who stands to gain from this 'treatment' is a valid question that should be researched thoroughly before undertaking such harmful practices.




Do you expect us to take a website that claims that the American Cancer Society is a Satanic cult seriously?

Edited by JFKvsNixon
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I have recently just been thinking the same, a relative of mine was diagnosed with liver cancer in December last year with only months rather than years and basically said chemo wouldn't make any difference to life expectancy.

Obviously he was devastated as we all were.

After searching for anything that might help he was put on to someone who came up with a glimmer of hope for him.

To cut a long story short cannabis oil 'cured' him.

He went back to weston park in March had a scan and was given the shock news THE CANCER WAS GONE.....even the consultant said she hadn't been able to give anyone that news before, I think they were as shocked as he was.


So yes I definitely think there is a cure for some cancers I am not saying one cure kills all cancers but when you think of all the money involved in cancer research charities and the fact that people would be living longer. It makes you wonder what is really going on :roll:


Who recommended the cannabis oil and how do you know that taking that was the cure? Also, was it bought over the counter?

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