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I used to go here. Do you remember when the York branch was in a tiny little shop on Petergate, I think it was about here on the corner:


No, I only remember the Coppergate branch, from about 1986 and 87ish.

It was Japanese Musk for me.


They've recently brought back some perfume oils, but they've not got the "floor 'em from 20 paces pungency" that they used to have!

I think it was a rule at my college that admittance was dependant on wearing either dewberry or white musk oil (or Poison, for the yuppies to be). The whiff was ubiquitous.

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try's five centre assorted fruit flavours in a single bar it was dark chocolate they did Orange creme and peppermint as well you can still get them border creme eggs were the bestist does anyone remember rainbow drops they used to put them in a little cone shaped paper bag think they cost one old penny in the sixtys


rainbow drops are still available. I bought some a couple of weeks ago, was going to give them to my granddaughter, and she didn't like them! looks like ill have to eat them all myself! :|

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