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Name A Product You Used To Buy Thats No Longer Available.

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When I was a kid, I used to be able to buy potassium nitrate, sulphur and charcoal from the (now gone) chemist at Nether Green. Summer holidays were such good fun!

Sadly, since Health and Safety spoilsports came along, you can't get it easily anymore (not from a chemist anyway). :([/quote








Yeah ... used to love blowing things up. Still, I soon realised what sodium nitrite and sugar was capable of. By age eleven, I'd built a jet car out of a couple of roller skates and a tin of 'fuel' strapped onto the back of 'em!

The school playground was like Santa Pod! (when no one else was about) :thumbsup:

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Pacers - the white ones and the updated green-striped ones of the 80s. They were like mint Opal Fruits.


The Body Shop of the 80s. Stubby opaque bottles with basic green labels and a black lid, in three or four different sizes, an excellent range of henna powders, plus the perfumed oil stand (dewberry, cinnamon and vanilla oils for me, plus occasional white musk and fuzzy peach). I used to make special trips up to York to shop in the Coppergate branch before Orchard Square opened. Such a shame that its products are now almost indistinguishable from most other mid-price toiletry ranges.


Cosmetics-to-Go. Similar to the Body Shop, but mostly (exclusively?) mail order. Morphed into the far too pungent Lush, I believe.

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Raspberry nesquik milkshake powder not seen since 90s.

Panda pops my favourite was strawberry jelly and ice cream.

Sara lee chocolate gateau, todays imitations don't taste the same.

Edited by airider
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A fairly recent unavailable product to disappear for me, and I don't remember the name of them either; they were a bit like teacakes only the marshmallow filled dome was twice the height and the base was chewy sweet wafer instead of the biscuit and I only ever found them at LIDL.


I hope someone knows of a LIDL that still sell these I would be prepared to travel to get some.

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