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Please help- how do I use Brook Hill Roundabout (University)

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I've never understood the difficulty people have with that roundabout?

Yes it can be busy and you need to keep your wits about you, particularly when traffic starts backing up onto the roundabout due to the pedestrian crossing just onto Hanover St; but a bit of forward planning, reading the signs and road markings on approach so you're in the right lane, then looking at the traffic on the roundabout to anticipate whats going to happen so you can drive into a gap that's going to appear, rather than sit waiting for that gap to arrive (by which point it's often too late) isn't that hard is it?


I wonder if a lot of the flap about it is put on for show



The biggest problem on the roundabout is predicting what other people are going to do, which is something you have no control over. So the advice is use the guidance of the arrows where you can see them and always be prepared for someone to cut you up because it is a confusing roundabout.

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Nightmare roundabout, same with the one at the bottom of Hanover/Moor.


I found it was best to get used to them by going on a Sunday when it's not so busy.


You should be taught on roundabouts not so busy until you're more confidant. Forcing these types on learners before they are ready is likely to put them off driving.


Some instructors use these type of tactics to undermine, so that it takes you longer to pass, hense more money for them. Remember you are the customer. If you don't feel ready tell them.

Good luck.

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