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Sepp Blatter Gone

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I just watched John Oliver on HBO claim that in terms of voting and distribution of FIFA funds, everyone is equal. “The U.S. gets the same share as Montserrat, which a.) isn’t even a country, and b.) has a population of less than 6,000."


Now, the UK general election result was the most disproportionate on record, but in comparison to FIFA elections that's nothing!


There's no wonder Blatter gets so much support from the small nations. The system is so ridiculously skewed in their favour.


What I don't understand is why the main footballing nations with large populations who are under-represented in FIFA don't just walk away? Surely there's a massive incentive to organise a rival non-corrupt ruling body that has something approaching proportionate and fair representation?

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What I don't understand is why the main footballing nations with large populations who are under-represented in FIFA don't just walk away?
Platini threatened exactly that on behalf of UEFA last Friday.


He was knifed in the back by many of UEFA's participating nations, including even his own, France, who still voted Blatter in.


Make of that what you will. :|


There's just too much money in football.

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Hmmm, yes. With all the money floating around in football, you have to suspect corruption. It has to run deep.


Maybe it will be the sponsors who end up bringing about real change? Now wouldn't that be ironic. Having to be grateful to the likes Visa, Coca-Cola, McDonald’s, Budweiser, Nike and Adidas to end corruption?

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