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Another 10% my right "honorable" gentleman?

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Dispute his comments pre election, the "honorable" David Cameron has not blocked the 10% pay rise for MP's. While the public sector continues to struggle, these leeches are set to see their pay packet rise, yet again!


Don't be so harsh, it will only take the average MP salary to around £150,000 PA. MP's suffer inflation too you know, the maintenance on hot tubs and Jaguars isn't going down any time soon.

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Don't be so harsh, it will only take the average MP salary to around £150,000 PA. MP's suffer inflation too you know, the maintenance on hot tubs and Jaguars isn't going down any time soon.


The poor things will have to start claiming for hot tub and jaguar repairs through their expenses!

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The poor things will have to start claiming for hot tub and jaguar repairs through their expenses!


No doubt they will, but once caught for fiddling their expenses I'm sure they'll receive a large pay rise as punishment.


Maybe Cameron should have announced this on a chair made of gold wearing a crown encrusted with diamonds like the queen did the other day to really hit the point home.


It's all pretty disgusting isn't it.

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before we get carried away...


parliament set up an independent commission to set mp's pay. it's decision cannot be amended or overruled by mps, however like all employees they have to right not to accept the rise. I believe that a number of them have said that they wont.

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Don't be so harsh, it will only take the average MP salary to around £150,000 PA. MP's suffer inflation too you know, the maintenance on hot tubs and Jaguars isn't going down any time soon.


MP's salary is nowhere near that, so please do not lie. It will be £74,000 pa after this £7,000 rise.

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before we get carried away...


parliament set up an independent commission to set mp's pay. it's decision cannot be amended or overruled by mps, however like all employees they have to right not to accept the rise. I believe that a number of them have said that they wont.


Workers have something similar, called UNIONS! However, these are demonised and can be questioned.

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Dispute his comments pre election, the "honorable" David Cameron has not blocked the 10% pay rise for MP's. While the public sector continues to struggle, these leeches are set to see their pay packet rise, yet again!


I think Cameron wanted IPSA not to recommend the 10% pay rise, but some of his back benchers reminded him that not all of them were related to royalty & had vast amounts of inherited wealth. So he kept quiet after that.

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MP's salary is nowhere near that, so please do not lie. It will be £74,000 pa after this £7,000 rise.


My mistake, Mr Cameron’s pay will rise from £142,500 to £149,440.


So not such good news for the average MP after all, they'll have to struggle by on just the £74K BASE salary. We should probably see if we can get a crowd fund going to top them up.

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