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Solicitor for 11 year old

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A relative of mine has a problem. After years of being bullied one day (after much provocation) she snapped and smacked him. Only once and then he kicked her back and she went for him. Teacher separated the pair. It was dealt with in school, the bully was reprimanded and punished. Now quite a while after the event a complaint has been lodged with the police against the girl.

They want to speak to her and her parents want some legal advice.

Where best to go?

hank you.

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Well at this stage I would just suggest the parents take her down to the station and have the chat with the copper.


Given the School have dealt with it, along with the age of the offender and the time lag, I cant see it going any further, especially when the counter-claims of the boy being a bully are stated and the school can back this up.

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The school have been good in that they have pointed out discrepancies in the bullies parents story and told this to the police. They have also backed her up in that she was being bullied and this is on record. On the day in question and at the time she snapped she was being bullied by two boys at the same time. Even though the police are now involved the parents and myself are all incredibly proud of her for doing it.

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In which case speaking to her is probably just a formality then, I wouldnt go to the expense of a solicitor however Best Soilcitors opposite the Peace Gardens do offer free half hour sessions. Always worth dropping in there I guess if they are in town?

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Well at this stage I would just suggest the parents take her down to the station and have the chat with the copper.


Given the School have dealt with it, along with the age of the offender and the time lag, I cant see it going any further, especially when the counter-claims of the boy being a bully are stated and the school can back this up.


Do not do this! This will be intimidating to the girl and unfair. If the police want to speak with her, they can send a friendly female constable to the house to have a chat.

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