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Why is it: Tooting your horn aggravates people in the UK

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It's because we are a country full of "I am always right" types.


We aren't really but I thought I would say we are cos then I can blame Thatcher.


Think about it though everyone tooted pre-1979.


Not all of us...


... some of us honked! :D

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Yes that's my point....I wonder why we're not as laid back about it?....For me personally, I only ever use my horn under serious circumstances....Almost to the point where I'm afraid to use it...and I have no idea why....But years ago, when driving on the continent (particularly in France and Italy)...I kinda really got 'into' using it....it was almost fun.


I like to have a good blast of the horn now and then, I even rate the cars I've had by how good the horn is :D


Usually it's either some dopey sod weaving all over the road and crossing into my lane, or someone not paying attention at traffic lights and sitting there like a numpty.


9 times out of 10 both cases are caused by someone being on the phone :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

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Here you go:


Rule 112.



The horn. Use only while your vehicle is moving and you need to warn other road users of your presence. Never sound your horn aggressively. You MUST NOT use your horn


while stationary on the road

when driving in a built-up area between the hours of 11.30 pm and 7.00 am

except when another road user poses a danger.






And of course, each and every one of us has always obeyed that one, haven't we boys and girls?

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Or is it because our Highway Code advises against it - perhaps foreign tests don't or didn't.

That make's it cultural - in Greece people even move into the slow lane after overtaking,now wouldn't that be great over her.

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Here you go:


Rule 112.








And of course, each and every one of us has always obeyed that one, haven't we boys and girls?


My neighbours are obviously above this rule,because they use it to...

Let the other half know "I'm home!" or my favourite...

I have just left the house,but just to let you know I'm pulling away now "Beep,beep,beep,beep,beep.....Beep,beep!

Thanks for letting us all know of your presence :thumbsup::hihi:

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Or is it because our Highway Code advises against it - perhaps foreign tests don't or didn't.

That make's it cultural - in Greece people even move into the slow lane after overtaking,now wouldn't that be great over her.


They often overtake on blind corners too, before moving over.

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The Alcocopter® is fitted with massive airhorns which I made myself from an old wind tunnel bought on e-bay. This is especially useful for shattering windows and other general destruction and assorted mayhem.

This, I might also add, tends to aggravate people quite a bit, although due to the exquisitely tuned apocalyptic noise, they generaly presume it's the precursor to Armageddon (The Rapture) from heaven above, and quickly tend to hide in tunnels, caves and other assorted subterranean shelter before (rather mistakenly) the Angel of Death makes an appearance. Great fun in Parsonia! :thumbsup:

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