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Why is it: Tooting your horn aggravates people in the UK

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I tend to only use the horn when someone does not move and the light has been green for ten seconds or so. Otherwise I just consider it a nuisance. I even stopped flashing the mainbeam at people hogging the right hand lane, although that is quite a common thing in the Netherlands, people here seem to react either in a panic or rudely.

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I tend to only use the horn when someone does not move and the light has been green for ten seconds or so. Otherwise I just consider it a nuisance. I even stopped flashing the mainbeam at people hogging the right hand lane, although that is quite a common thing in the Netherlands, people here seem to react either in a panic or rudely.


Glad to hear it...


... seeing as they drive on that side of the road, don't they? :huh:

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We only have one horn but we can use it to toot, blast, pip and more ...


A toot at the lights is OK if someone hasn't noticed the lights go green.


You can pip a friend as you pass by.


Or you can blast the errant driver who pulls out the side street or comes too close for comfort when overtaking and approaching on your side.


I think the continentals are more likely to blast when we'd toot and we're more likely to do nothing when we might be justified in blasting.


The only occasion I blast now is the high speed warning, never for annoyance when I'm in the right but there's no actual danger of collision. I just end up stressing myself. It ain't worth it. I will eyeball them if there's a chance though. They know they're wrong, even if they're cocky and you can tell they still think they're right.


I'd love to be in a convoy of cars with a cacophany of horn blasts to celebrate a premiership title, FA Cup win, or overthrow of the regime ...

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