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Hackney Council to fine homeless people!!

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Hackney Council are proposing to fine homeless people and persistent rough sleepers up to £1,000. Fine someone with no money?! Nice move, idiots! Criminalising the homeless!?!


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Hackney Council are proposing to fine homeless people and persistent rough sleepers up to £1,000. Fine someone with no money?! Nice move, idiots! Criminalising the homeless!?!



Why are people complaining and protesting about this. It is just a council being stupid. They aint going to get any money from homeless people it wont work. They have none thats why they are homeless.

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And how do the council suppose that the homeless will get the money to pay the fine?

Perhaps the homeless will end up not homeless at her majesty's pleasure, costing the taxpayer a fortune :rolleyes:

There have been a number of initiatives like this in London - I think it may have been a hotel that put some spikes outside its doors to stop homeless people sleeping in the door way.


Given this council and corporate indifference, it's nice to see a young person doing something positive for a homeless man who needs open heart surgery


Good for her.

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Having actually READ the article and not just fallen for the sensationalist and inaccurate headline it says clearly that the proposed Order will cover a range activities deemed anti-social - including sleeping rough and begging.


The councillor has said that those who are GENUINELY in need will be referred to the relevant services. However, why the hell shouldn't there be a law to prevent repeat offenders, people who refuse to use such services, professional aggressive beggars, drunken idiots and many other morons cluttering up the streets without good reason.


Once again, its "outrage" and "campaigning" for the sake of it.


Nowhere does it say that ALL or ANY genuinely homeless people will be fined. Nowhere does it say that the Police and Officials will be targeting just homeless people.



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Having actually READ the article and not just fallen for the sensationalist and inaccurate headline it says clearly that the proposed Order will cover a range activities deemed anti-social - including sleeping rough and begging.


The councillor has said that those who are GENUINELY in need will be referred to the relevant services. However, why the hell shouldn't there be a law to prevent repeat offenders, people who refuse to use such services, professional aggressive beggars, drunken idiots and many other morons cluttering up the streets without good reason.


Once again, its "outrage" and "campaigning" for the sake of it.


Nowhere does it say that ALL or ANY genuinely homeless people will be fined. Nowhere does it say that the Police and Officials will be targeting just homeless people.




I used to be a support worker at a refuge for the homeless, and many of the people I spoke to felt safer sleeping on the street. Some had severe and enduring mental health problems, addicts, ex service personnel not adapting to life outside of the forces. Due to how they function in the world many find holding down tenancies extremely difficult.

Some may call that anti social - I call the attitude that you've expressed above anti social.

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