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Dear Forum.. Are online messaging and texts infidelity?

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dear forum


please help. advice needed.

the story is long and complicated so will try and keep it short and sweet.


my partner has been texting other people dirty messages. very in depth. when confronted about this my parter said that it was fun and nothing physical has happened.

they are around my partner quite often.

i dont know what the best thing is to do.

my partner says they love me but do they if they can do this?

also how do you ever know if they will do it again or even if its true that nothing physical has happened?

its also known that my partner constantly puts me down to these people. if they cared would they?

does this mean my partner will think its ok to take things further if it hasnt already happened?


any advice would be appreciated.

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I think I'd be more angry that your partner puts you down to other people - that's completely disrespectful & not on. If your partner cared for you or even respected you, they wouldn't do that.

My advice to you probably sounds trite - but it sounds like you have a low opinion of yourself & your self esteem needs raising. Being with this other person isn't going to help you in that respect. Even if you stay with him / her, try to distance yourself emotionally & start to do things for yourself that make you feel good.

When you feel better about yourself, decisions about your relationship will become clearer.


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Your partner is bang out of order; his actions are not those of a man who loves and respects you.


Funny how you assume it's a man when the OP has clearly written the post in such a way as to leave the gender of their partner ambiguous.

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Funny how you assume it's a man when the OP has clearly written the post in such a way as to leave the gender of their partner ambiguous.


Halibut is male, I would assume he's talking from that perspective if gender isn't mentioned.

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