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Dear Forum.. Are online messaging and texts infidelity?

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should i believe what my partner has told me that it clearly was abit of fun and hopefully my partner now see's how hurtful it is?


If you have to rely on hope for him to see that, there is, again, something very wrong with the way you guys communicate. It just doesn't sound to me like you have a healthy relation.

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should i trust my partner when they say nothing physical has taken place or should i not?

should i confront these people or would that then let them know they are causing issues in our relationship?

should i believe what my partner has told me that it clearly was abit of fun and hopefully my partner now see's how hurtful it is?


I'm no relationship expert; but I would think, nobody here knows the ins and outs of your relationship, and this situation, as well as you do. Ultimately; trust yourself, have courage, and do what you feel is the right thing for you.


There's nothing wrong with asking for advice; and you may gets some valuable insights; but in the end, trust yourself.


Having said that; I'd think you need to resolve it (if it can be resolved) between yourself and your partner; without involving any third parties.


Good luck. :)

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The key thing for me here is the fact that you mentioned they communicate more that you and your partner do. Communication and trust are right at the top of the list as far as I'm concerned. Sounds like you've lost your trust and you don't communicate.

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with regards to some more comments/questions


yes there are children involved with us. but not as simple as that.

the people involved also have children and other commitments.

alot of people are involved who shouldn't be and these same people tried to separate us along time ago.

we have had a lot of stuff happening and going on and alot of stuff to deal with with.


i am on here asking for advice/solutions how to deal with this. yes correct i may not take everyone's or even no one's advice but i can't be sure of that until i have the advice etc.


my partner and i live together also and we both work and in our jobs we meet alot of different people daily.

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The thing with your partner is if one of these people he meets sort of offered it on a plate would he take it ? If yes run away.


She'd have to run away from every man on the planet. Not the best advice if you don't want to remain permanently single.

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I think men that can't see the inner beaut of a person a very odd!! My Mrs is 4 years older than me. She looks the same age, if not younger, thanks to my greying hair!


well done Bonzo:thumbsup:same with me

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i dont know if my partner would take it if handed on a plate and this is why it is hard choice.

technically hasn't my partner already been handed it on a plate via the messages?


the messages indicated that they was arranging to meet and that. i am not sure if a meet as taken place or not.


normally any previous parter would of been out the door when this was discovered but for some reason this is different. i think i believe that it was just messaging but in the same respect if the thought's there already does this mean my partner will eventually carry out these act of thoughts?

also if my partner has these thoughts/feelings towards the other person already does this mean my partner doesnt actually feel anything towards me?


also can a relationship work after this?

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i dont know if my partner would take it if handed on a plate and this is why it is hard choice.

technically hasn't my partner already been handed it on a plate via the messages?


the messages indicated that they was arranging to meet and that. i am not sure if a meet as taken place or not.


normally any previous parter would of been out the door when this was discovered but for some reason this is different. i think i believe that it was just messaging but in the same respect if the thought's there already does this mean my partner will eventually carry out these act of thoughts?

also if my partner has these thoughts/feelings towards the other person already does this mean my partner doesnt actually feel anything towards me?


also can a relationship work after this?


Try not to concentrate on his thoughts, we all have thoughts/fantasies. His deeds are what is paramount. Tell us, do you have dodgy texts on your phone to others disrespecting your partner? If yes you're a match, if not you're attempting to apologize for him and looking for ratification from this site.

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