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Dear Forum.. Are online messaging and texts infidelity?

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i dont know if my partner would take it if handed on a plate and this is why it is hard choice.

technically hasn't my partner already been handed it on a plate via the messages?


the messages indicated that they was arranging to meet and that. i am not sure if a meet as taken place or not.


normally any previous parter would of been out the door when this was discovered but for some reason this is different. i think i believe that it was just messaging but in the same respect if the thought's there already does this mean my partner will eventually carry out these act of thoughts?

also if my partner has these thoughts/feelings towards the other person already does this mean my partner doesnt actually feel anything towards me?


also can a relationship work after this?


Depends if you want it to I suppose. Though if someone disrespected me, like he has to you I'd be telling him to sling his hook & not to bother coming back.

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She'd have to run away from every man on the planet. Not the best advice if you don't want to remain permanently single.




"Put up with ****e in order to be in a relationship"?


You obviously have a poor sense of self worth.

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Your partner has crossed a line of trust.


Will you trust anything they tell you ever again?

When they are late will you worry about what they are doing and the excuse they give when challenged?


Time to make some difficult decisions.

Edited by Snowglobe
internet having a moment
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thank you all for your comments / thoughts.


some more answers:-


no i do not have any of these type messages on my phone/facebook/ whats app etc but then again i do not do it as i feel it is wrong and i also feel my partner should but who am i to say what i think is right hense why i am on here.


i would also never insult my partner the same way my partner has me to the others involved. yes i may comment on my partner didnt take the bin out etc but NEVER would i insult them or call them names to other people. especially to people i know are wanting us to fail and wanting to sleep with me!


what is classed as disrespecting you? do people sometimes do things they later regret etc? do people not deserve forgiveness?

my trust at the moment is probably hard but i do see that my partner is trying to help with this. weather i am wrong i do not know this is just what i currently feel.


my partner is very defensive of any talking of the incident. i feel that my partner is also very defensive of the others involved. my partner never wants to hear anything else if it doesnt agree with them.

ive also noticed my partner never puts any photos of us on Facebook or comment or like on any photos i have put on and also my partner never basically lets anyone on facebook see that we are in a relationship,happy etc. but the others involved are on my partners facebook so is this why? or am i being too over the top?


my partner has known these others involved for various years.

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If you are younger than 35 then you need to stand up to this jerk. If you are much older you may have to accept this in life.


The ****!!!!!!!!!!!!?????????? :confused:

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