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How do i get petrol out of my car

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Easiest way is disconnect the feed pipe to the fuel rail under the bonnet and turn the ignition on.... the fuel pump will empty the tank for you into whatever hose or receptacle you have ready.


Don't start the car and be careful of sparks. Doesnt work on cars with a mechanical fuel lift pump but if it's an electric one you are laughing.

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When my car got wrote off with a full tank of petrol In I discovered there was a cap under the rear seats through which I could gain access to the fuel tank and was able to drain it through that. Obviously all cars won't be the same but worth a try.

Another way would be to locate the fuel pipe what runs from the tank to the engine and cut it, found this method out after some little scrote had done it to my car to fill a 5l can and left the other 40 odd litres to empty itself all over my drive.

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More than likely there will be a bung under the tank, remove and the juice will run out. Be very careful, no sparks or any kind of heat, petrol is very very easy to ignite.




Tanks are sealed units and dont have little bungs in them to drain them. (bar the sender/pump holes on the top)


As others have said, either get a hand pump or use the feed line and turn the car on to pump it out.

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use the feed line and turn the car on to pump it out.


Most modern cars use an electric fuel pump, any where after this and a cut pipe will give you fuel, with the ignition on.

A rubber/plastic pipe near the engine.

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