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Big Issue banned by Waitrose

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So what action would you recommend for those of us who don't like and don't agree to the so called '100 complainers'?


I think the best solution would be to buy the big issue from him. As other posters have mentioned on here he is now outside the town hall.

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I think the best solution would be to buy the big issue from him. As other posters have mentioned on here he is now outside the town hall.


I will be now I know where he is. But that wasn't quite what I meant. For clarity where I'm coming from is that a small number in the overall number who shop there moaned about Andy. What about those of us who have a problem who have a counter view and we moan about the result of their so called complaints ? Where's Waitrose's so called kudos. then? They have none for me.

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Waitrose was a very good pitch in that a vendor could build up a 'bank' of regular customers, who would know where to look for him (me included). Town Hall is a very different kind of pitch - very bustly (is that a word?) and I've seen other vendors there who have had a hard time making sales. I'm not sure if it is 'snobbery' that has scuppered Andy's placement at waitrose. In my opinion, I am pretty sure that Andy is a bit ADHD - he just can't keep still and some people can't cope with that. - I once did a charity collection with a family whose child was on the autistic spectrum and was told by one passer-by 'that kid isn't doing your cause any good'.


Shopping in Morrisons one day, I noticed a guy singing and then making strange noises. At first I was alarmed and then I realised that he had tourettes. Once I recognised that, I could quite easily accommodate that and let him be who he was. This is the same with Andy - he is who he is and he means no harm. I can't see Waitrose backing down on this, but I do hope that Andy can get a pitch that suits his selling approach and where he can again build up a regular customer base.

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Waitrose was a very good pitch in that a vendor could build up a 'bank' of regular customers, who would know where to look for him (me included). Town Hall is a very different kind of pitch - very bustly (is that a word?) and I've seen other vendors there who have had a hard time making sales. I'm not sure if it is 'snobbery' that has scuppered Andy's placement at waitrose. In my opinion, I am pretty sure that Andy is a bit ADHD - he just can't keep still and some people can't cope with that. - I once did a charity collection with a family whose child was on the autistic spectrum and was told by one passer-by 'that kid isn't doing your cause any good'.


Shopping in Morrisons one day, I noticed a guy singing and then making strange noises. At first I was alarmed and then I realised that he had tourettes. Once I recognised that, I could quite easily accommodate that and let him be who he was. This is the same with Andy - he is who he is and he means no harm. I can't see Waitrose backing down on this, but I do hope that Andy can get a pitch that suits his selling approach and where he can again build up a regular customer base.


I just wish Godzilla everyone could be as understanding as you clearly are and recognise that there are some who can't help the way they are - tourettes being a case in point - and cut people some slack. So for those who did villify Andy to Waitrose and for everyone who has problems, the entire population of Sheffield isn't agin you - just a few sad individuals who think you don't quite fit their view of what's acceptable. To them I say Tough! Wear it! This is reality people!

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Be interesting to know what this 'something serious' was


I would too as it wasnt serious enough for Big Issue to drop him and they moved him to outside the town hall so he cant be that dangerous.


However we will never know. I suspect what happened was probably along the lines of. Posh shopper complained. Staff asked him to move. He was a little upset and said a few words. Staff reported him.


As if it was more serious you'd think the police would get involved and he wouldnt be allowed to stand outside the town hall.

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Waitrose was a very good pitch in that a vendor could build up a 'bank' of regular customers


If it's a good spot for regular sales, then is it fair that the same person has the benefit of it year after year?

Waitrose are willing to still accommodate a Big Issue seller, aren't they?

Just asking!

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Waitrose was a very good pitch in that a vendor could build up a 'bank' of regular customers


If it's a good spot for regular sales, then is it fair that the same person has the benefit of it year after year?

Waitrose are willing to still accommodate a Big Issue seller, aren't they?

Just asking!


They say that but we dont know the reason why he was asked to move.


If its because people complaining then we may end up going full circle. Are people complaining about him because of his attitude or because they dont like a big issue seller being there.


Also his sales technique is similar to other issue sellers so if they have a problem with him I'm sure they will have a problem with others. More so as they wont have built up a rapport understand their customer base etc.


So if they do they may have more problems than actually trying to work with a guy that many people liked and was actually quite a pleasant chap.

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As a Waitrose shopper, I sometimes bought a Big Issue from Andy but not every week. The times I didn't buy there was never a problem with him and he was equally pleasant on every occasion that I saw him. Just an honest guy trying to make a living. Please don't judge him, none of us know what kind of life or background or problems he has had. I do hope Waitrose show a little compassion and reinstate Andy.

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