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Big Issue banned by Waitrose

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No, of course thats the only reason.


Yes it is the only reason. Why do you have a problem with him? The traders I have a problem with are the chuggers that frequent our town centre and hassle people.


All Andy has done is sell a magazine.

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Yes it is the only reason. Why do you have a problem with him? The traders I have a problem with are the chuggers that frequent our town centre and hassle people.


All Andy has done is sell a magazine.


I dont have a problem with him. I am fairly confident, though, that the vast majority of people on here would be horrified if they found a homeless person had taken up the bit of pavement outside their home and was selling a magazine on it.

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I dont have a problem with him. I am fairly confident, though, that the vast majority of people on here would be horrified if they found a homeless person had taken up the bit of pavement outside their home and was selling a magazine on it.


No I disagree. If you speak to people and they are frank you are right they may have a problem with a homeless person outside their house. However this is different its a tradesman. He is not sleeping at Waitrose as far as I can tell. Someone who is homeless trying to improve his lot so I dont think they would.


You are right though if someone homeless was slept in their doorway they would have an issue.

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You are right though if someone homeless was slept in their doorway they would have an issue.


No, I think if someone was selling a magazine for hours on the pavement outside their home as well, they would also take issue.


Interesting point you raise about the sleeping though. Remember this?




People moaned and whined about it. Ok, fair enough, let them sleep outside YOUR door instead then, if you dont have an issue with it.


However this is different its a tradesman.


Tradesman?!?! He sells a crap magazine which requires no skill and pays no tax on the proceeds, how is he a "tradesman"

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If people want to achieve something they should probably complain to the management at Waitrose about him being banned. If more people complain about this, than originally complained about him being there then perhaps they'll reverse the decision.


We already have! But then as I posted earlier what do they do if say 101 of us complain a contrary argument to the 100 who wanted him gone? Conundrum :)


---------- Post added 17-06-2015 at 23:52 ----------


Maybe all those complaining about him NOT being there can offer to have Andy stand outside the front of their houses instead.


He can stand outside my house if he wants and actually he might not do so bad if the parents of the kids at Clifford school bought from him. Otherwise he'd make nada. He could chuck in the 'you're illegally parked . Buy one and I won't tell ' as an added bonus. Cos they are - where are you traffic wardens when you're needed?


---------- Post added 17-06-2015 at 23:54 ----------


I dont have a problem with him. I am fairly confident, though, that the vast majority of people on here would be horrified if they found a homeless person had taken up the bit of pavement outside their home and was selling a magazine on it.


Why would I be horrified exactly? Do you know the 'vast majority of people on here' ? - erm you don't know me, Who are you to speak for this so called 'majority' ? You have no right to do so. YOU may object but that's you and that's fair enough but you have no mandate at all to comment for anyone else - that's at best hearsay and hs no validity at all. Personally is it a problem for me? Not at all but he wouldn't make much round here. Andy being here I have no problem with - I like the guy

Edited by annbaker
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Selling the Big Issue is not a cushy job. Yes, the vendors probably don't pay tax because they don't ever get to earn an amount that is taxable. They have to stand all day and for every person who buys a mag there are probably 10 who don't. I personally think the Big Issue is value for money, given that it helps to support people who are homeless/vulnerably housed and I find the content interesting (maybe not every issue). I am a big supporter of Andy and will look out for him when I go into the city centre. I don't think that Waitrose will back down re. Andy. If one of their employees, for whatever reason, was upset by Andy, Waitrose has a duty to stand by their employee. However, I do think that Andy has been misunderstood and I hope he gets a pitch where he can gain regular customers and make a decent living.

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Selling the Big Issue is not a cushy job. Yes, the vendors probably don't pay tax because they don't ever get to earn an amount that is taxable. They have to stand all day and for every person who buys a mag there are probably 10 who don't. I personally think the Big Issue is value for money, given that it helps to support people who are homeless/vulnerably housed and I find the content interesting (maybe not every issue). I am a big supporter of Andy and will look out for him when I go into the city centre. I don't think that Waitrose will back down re. Andy. If one of their employees, for whatever reason, was upset by Andy, Waitrose has a duty to stand by their employee. However, I do think that Andy has been misunderstood and I hope he gets a pitch where he can gain regular customers and make a decent living.


Well said Godzilla :)


---------- Post added 18-06-2015 at 00:09 ----------


If Andy wants to doss down on outside my house it wouldn't bother me cos I am sure the grass verge is more comfy than the pavement. BUT would I be happy about it? No I wouldn't because everyone in my view deserves a roof over their head. So whilst he wouldn't be moving in (cos I haven't the room) I would at least bring him in, feed him, let him have a bath/shower, wash and dry his clothes whilst we sorted him out with somewhere to stay.


---------- Post added 18-06-2015 at 01:00 ----------



Tradesman?!?! He sells a crap magazine which requires no skill and pays no tax on the proceeds, how is he a "tradesman"


It's his job Vegas and actually I'd dispute your comment about it requiring no skills. I challenge you to do it just for a day and see how you get on :) I suggest you'd not be giving up the day job any time soon but if you think otherwise then go for it and do let us know how you get on :)


To pay tax you have to earn enough. I'd very much doubt Andy or any BI seller earns enough to pay tax. Also bear in mind these folks unless they are signing on - which a lot aren't- are not likely to get a state pension when they reach retirement age because they will not have sufficient NI contributions or credits (The signing on bit) to get one.I am assuming that they are classified as self employed which means not only do they have to pay to live they have to pay NI out of their wages or have some other arrangement. No idea what BI do but somehow I don't forsee a grand old age with a pension for their sellers.


Crap mag? Depends on your point of view.So sometimes it's quite informative, sometimes it's not = no different from the daily rag (whichever one you read) but that's all down to personal morals and choice.

Edited by annbaker
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