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Big Issue banned by Waitrose

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Since stores and supermarkets allow or even "sell" pitches to third parties inside/outside their stores it would be correct for theses third parties to complain if they felt that propective targets were being diverted.


If that is the case...


I have personal experience at another large supermarket when an aggressive national charity latched on to an organised Christmas music event(also collecting and also a registered charity).

The manager of the store had them removed from their property.


I have signed the petition as I feel that every large organization in the community has a visible and active responsibility to its community and not hide behind a sterile and distant "token in a box" system. We as individuals also need to be reminded of our responsibilities and support those cannot or who try to support themselves.

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I think that says more about the snobs who shop at Waitrose than about the BI seller.


Why do you assume they are snobbish?


Because they (myself included) like to buy some of the nice things that Waitrose sell?


Have you ever actually experienced any snobbery in Waitrose. I shop there regularly, and have never detected any such snobbery, and there seems to be a broad range of customers.


What I have noticed are generally considerate, polite people. Maybe you are confusing good manners with snobbery.

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Why do you assume they are snobbish?


Because they (myself included) like to buy some of the nice things that Waitrose sell?


Have you ever actually experienced any snobbery in Waitrose. I shop there regularly, and have never detected any such snobbery, and there seems to be a broad range of customers.


What I have noticed are generally considerate, polite people. Maybe you are confusing good manners with snobbery.


I personally think the only snobs are the ones that have moaned about this gentleman. Generally waitrose customers arnt snobish at all. But there are few that we are discussing now. I dont understand how we are pandering to just 100 people and banning him from selling outside Waitrose.

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I've never had a problem saying "no thank you" to BI sellers*, nor have I ever felt "intimidated" into having to buy one.


Let's look at how that conversation should have gone.


Shopper: I don't want to see Big Issue sellers when I come shopping.


Waitrose Manager: Please feel free to take your custom to Tesco's.




* from the vendors I mean.

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Are you meant to just ignore customers who have complained? Some people dont like it so he was told to move on.


What if it was a Roma women begging.....i bet everyone would complain?

Edited by TheRocketMan
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I get the feeling some peoples definition of 'aggressive' is what others would consider just merely 'being spoken to'.


We really do need help if 100 pathetic whingers sought fit to actually complain about the bloke, it's not like he held them up for the money or anything.

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What if it was a Roma women begging.....i bet everyone would complain?


There's a slight difference in that Waitrose have up to now actively taken the line that it's a good thing to have a pitch on their property. They've now changed their mind.


You're right that Waitrose have the right to ignore their customers, but I suspect that they'll now be hearing a lot from other customers they have who up to now haven't had a reason to complain.


---------- Post added 05-06-2015 at 14:42 ----------


I have actually been berated by a Big Issue seller for not wanting to buy one, so they aren't all sweetness and light.


They also aren't all the same. Lots of people's experiences of him conflict with the idea of him being "aggressive" - the fact that some people on this thread are also complaining of double glazing salespeople who act aggressively outside Morrison's there's quite possibly reason to assume that "aggressive" means something along the lines of "asking me if I'd like to buy something that I actually don't want, and feel uncomfortable about saying no to". I'm sure that neither the Big Issue salesperson, nor the double glazing salesperson (and ones who give you the opportunity to walk straight past them, as opposed to the ones who try to gain entry into your house and then not leave) are really being very aggressive.

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Big Issue sellers I have found if you just say 'No thanks' and walk on don;t have a problem and Andy - no problem. So what's he done to the 100 who complained exactly that has caused him to be banned? If Waitrose have said someone else can sell Big Issue will the '100' object to him/her? If I was a betting person I'd say yes. You see we can't b having that sort of person in S11 - OMG the horror! To those who complained - grow up this is reality. Yes there are homeless people and they ask you to buy a mag! Growup!


Grow up yourself! What has the postcode got to do with anything?! read the article. Educate yourself

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