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Wharncliffe Pub Firthpark Closing Down?

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Be nice to actually know what kind of people will be housed here. Sounds like a done deal to me. We only received a proposal today. This is a residential street. Will there be people hanging around at all hours. How can a proper objection be given without adequate information/time scale to do so?

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Yeah they have already started doing things to the building. I thought it was just the windows and stuff, but apparently shower screens have been delivered. Like you said, it sounds like a done deal. We aren't even getting a letter, despite the fact that the windows overlook our garden, and there will be an entrance at the side of the building which will also overlook us.

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Be nice to actually know what kind of people will be housed here. Sounds like a done deal to me. We only received a proposal today. This is a residential street. Will there be people hanging around at all hours. How can a proper objection be given without adequate information/time scale to do so?


from an email dated 4th March.


"We are letting to nurses mainly from Northern general, there will NOT be a high concentration ofsocial tenants. Most of our tenants don't require parking and given the close proximity to the bus routes and main shopping area and the hospital this will not be an issue.


All the rear will be fenced off and protected and bins to be stored at the back. If not then we can store them at the front in the fenced off area. All the fencing is required to protect the property and inhabitants.


Please can you advise the council that we are looking to provide much needed accommodation to workers in the area, also good quality and we will be improving what is a run down and disused building. Effectively we are looking to add to the regeneration of the area."

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Im Suprised it stopped open as long as it did...it used be the best pub in Firth park at one time when Nigel was the landlord.no pubs in Firth park left now just the Idsworth club and lane top club for a drink....

list of pubs clubs gone in the Firthpark area




Shiregreen hotel


Firth park hotel

Sicey hotel



Loads in the area I cant rember...


Where do you get your info. The Basset is still open and neither that or the Magnet are anywhere near Firth Park. As for the rest apart from the Pheasant, it's good riddance to bad rubbish. Are you sure you're not confusing the Bassett with the Beagle

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  • 2 weeks later...
Are any decent people going to want to live there - doctors and nurses? I think not. This sounds like pulling the wool over the eyes of the council and locals to get through planning.


Even back in the 70s & 80s nurses did not want to live in the nurses' home at the NGH nor did they wish to rent or buy in this area if they could help it so why would they now. The rooms on the plans look only a little larger than those in the Nurses' home. Locals do not want a 'hostel' but it hasn't really got into the public domain yet - only those nearby are aware.

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