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Gridlock in Sheffield today (5/6/2015)

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Can you name a business that chose to relocate?


I said "choose to locate" not re-locate. I know of many businesses who considered setting up in Sheffield city centre but chose not to for accessibility. I won't name them as it is through my work I know this and it would be a disclosure.

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I guess that it's entirely normal for businesses to consider many different places. Sheffield can't always win. Does it lose out more than it should for some given metric?


---------- Post added 09-06-2015 at 21:46 ----------




Moved from the top of Fargate / opposite the Town Hall to Meadowhall!


Closure of a retail store isn't a business relocating...

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I guess that it's entirely normal for businesses to consider many different places. Sheffield can't always win. Does it lose out more than it should for some given metric?


I would say it does. There aren't many HQs based here. Most of the major employers are public sector.

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Yes, but reducing lanes, increasing one way systems , adding no entry barriers, increasing bus lanes, operating bus gates, etc etc.... not exactly helped matters has it?


The city centre of Sheffield is a joke and almost entirely self inflicted. Many other cities cope with congestion so much better. Trying to get into or around Sheffield centre in a car, especially at rush hour, is a nightmare. And they wonder why city centre shopping is dying, the new market failing, and businesses choosing to locate offices in other more accessible cities.


Of the many places I've experienced rush hour traffic, Sheffield is by far the smoothest. Generally, blink and you'll miss it.

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I would say it does. There aren't many HQs based here. Most of the major employers are public sector.


We do have an over reliance on the public sector, that's historical though.


It would be interesting to see some figures about company location decisions and whether we really do miss out, and if so why.

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