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Here for the Weather? 68 Immigrants found in Polish Lorries

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The news is saying that some illegal immigrants have tried to stow away into the UK. From that awful, oppressive, human rights - dodging country - Holland. Why do they want to come here? Why are we doing anything other than putting them on a ferry straight back to Holland?


As said by the Mayor of a northern French town effected by the influx of people trying to get to the UK. Its our benefits system that is the attraction. These people are not fleeing oppression as otherwise they would stay in the first safe country. They are economic migrants.

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As said by the Mayor of a northern French town effected by the influx of people trying to get to the UK. Its our benefits system that is the attraction. These people are not fleeing oppression as otherwise they would stay in the first safe country. They are economic migrants.


Thank you Berb

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As said by the Mayor of a northern French town effected by the influx of people trying to get to the UK. Its our benefits system that is the attraction. These people are not fleeing oppression as otherwise they would stay in the first safe country. They are economic migrants.


So why haven't the Tories limited benefits paid to immigrants for the first 5 years like Germany have? Oh would that be because the Tories actually benefit massively from immigration (lower wages) so they don't want to do it, but they know the people who vote for them want them to sort immigration so they lie and say it's all the nasty EUs fault who are banning us doing anything to stop it? Which as Germany has proved is absolute 100% ********.

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As said by the Mayor of a northern French town effected by the influx of people trying to get to the UK. Its our benefits system that is the attraction. These people are not fleeing oppression as otherwise they would stay in the first safe country. They are economic migrants.


How do they slip through the net, so to speak? How can someone with no home, no UK records or anything, claim benefits? We're talking about the people who can't claim asylum of cause. It's hard enough for a British person to cheat the system, how does an immigrant manage this trick? I'd love to know.

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So why haven't the Tories limited benefits paid to immigrants for the first 5 years like Germany have? Oh would that be because the Tories actually benefit massively from immigration (lower wages) so they don't want to do it, but they know the people who vote for them want them to sort immigration so they lie and say it's all the nasty EUs fault who are banning us doing anything to stop it? Which as Germany has proved is absolute 100% ********.


I don't know, ask them. Maybe there was little room in the schedule to push something like this through. Maybe the Tory's are a little hesitant of doing anything that could result in the ill educated, bleeding heart liberals calling them the nasty party.


---------- Post added 08-06-2015 at 10:15 ----------


How do they slip through the net, so to speak? How can someone with no home, no UK records or anything, claim benefits? We're talking about the people who can't claim asylum of cause. It's hard enough for a British person to cheat the system, how does an immigrant manage this trick? I'd love to know.


Are we, I thought "I claim Asylum" was the first words to trip of these peoples tongues, giving them food, a roof over their heads and security.


Do you think a place like Sangatte would exist in the UK?

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I don't know, ask them. Maybe there was little room in the schedule to push something like this through. Maybe the Tory's are a little hesitant of doing anything that could result in the ill educated, bleeding heart liberals calling them the nasty party.


Or of course the point I put might just be the truth?

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Or of course the point I put might just be the truth?


We have a minimum wage system that only those on the black market do not follow. This makes people origin irrespective to that fact, therefore, dealing with a goat herder from Morocco is infinity less attractive than a person from within the EU. Therefore, I would disagree with your claim that these immigrants are secretly wanted by the government.


What evidence do you have to support your side of the argument?

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