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Here for the Weather? 68 Immigrants found in Polish Lorries

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Guest sibon

France = best country in the northern hemisphere - they've got everything except easy access to benefits.


An almost identical proportion of immigrants as the UK has.


Germany = wonderful educated people. Beautiful country. Unlimited speed on the mway. Cultured. Not very easy access to benefits..


A higher proportion of immigrants than the UK.


Your analysis is broken.


But we already knew that:rolleyes:

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These places are everywhere. All over the Tory heartlands.


On another note we've lost loads of petrol stations in this country over the years, beaten out of business by the supermarkets. Lots of them had the automated car washes which could wash cars with a minimal staffing requirement. The loss of the automated car washes has been in part made up for by immigrant workers. Before it took no people to wash dozens of cars in a day but now it takes six per car. Clues there about the loss of productivity in the UK too - why invest in machinery when people can do the work. This is something you should love smithy but wait............... immigrants :gag:


No It was the immigrant car washes that do a better job and put the automated car scrapers out of business. The cause and effect are the reverse of what you say


---------- Post added 06-06-2015 at 11:20 ----------


An almost identical proportion of immigrants as the UK has.




A higher proportion of immigrants than the UK.


Your analysis is broken.


But we already knew that:rolleyes:


So why are they risking their lives to get here?

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No It was the immigrant car washes that do a better job and put the automated car scrapers out of business. The cause and effect are the reverse of what you say


Yes you may have a point as those automated washers can be a bit aggressive. So you welcome our growing army of immigrant car washers Ron?


This could be good for farming too. Why should farmers invest in machinery when they is a never-ending flow of EU, non-EU and illegal immigrant labour to do the back-breaking work in the fields?


Still, at least all those buy to let landlords provide somewhere for them all to live.

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Yes you may have a point as those automated washers can be a bit aggressive. So you welcome our growing army of immigrant car washers Ron?


This could be good for farming too. Why should farmers invest in machinery when they is a never-ending flow of EU, non-EU and illegal immigrant labour to do the back-breaking work in the fields?


Still, at least all those buy to let landlords provide somewhere for them all to live.


You do seem fixated on landlords.

I would prefer it, and so would the good people of lincs and Norfolk, if we didn't have all these immigrants changing the nature of Britain.


---------- Post added 06-06-2015 at 11:27 ----------


I don't blame the immigrants. It's because our benefits system is too generous that we don't get our own people to work in jobs that should be done by british people.

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So why are they risking their lives to get here?


Because it is the land of milk and honey, and opportunity.


The Tories have told the world the economy is fixed and now the whole world wants to come here. And the Tories are doing a great job of letting the whole world in, providing jobs and places to live. It's a great place to be an illegal immigrant.


Your party, your policies.

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Because it is the land of milk and honey, and opportunity.


The Tories have told the world the economy is fixed and now the whole world wants to come here. And the Tories are doing a great job of letting the whole world in, providing jobs and places to live. It's a great place to be an illegal immigrant.


Your party, your policies.


You do talk a lot on nonsense.

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Guest sibon


So why are they risking their lives to get here?


I'll let you think about the fallacy of that question for a while.


You could use a bit of the day finding out about migration patterns and what motivates immigrants/asylum seekers.


Of course, you could just keep on trotting out the same, ill informed, hate filled nonsense if you like. It won't make it correct though.

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You do seem fixated on landlords.

I would prefer it, and so would the good people of lincs and Norfolk, if we didn't have all these immigrants changing the nature of Britain.


---------- Post added 06-06-2015 at 11:27 ----------


I don't blame the immigrants. It's because our benefits system is too generous that we don't get our own people to work in jobs that should be done by british people.


Hold on, there's two million new jobs, record numbers are in employment and numbers claiming out of work benefits are falling. The evidence according to the Tories is that more British people are going out to work, in ever greater numbers.


Something doesn't quite add up does it ;)

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I don't blame the immigrants. It's because our benefits system is too generous that we don't get our own people to work in jobs that should be done by british people.


Then why doesn't the title and thrust of your thread address the problem of generous benefits and the indigenous work shy, rather than "Here for the weather" DM sensationalism?

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One thing people talking about immigrants and benefits need to start keeping in mind is the following, very elementary model:


Push and Pull. In their decision process they have to come to the conclusion that they should move from where they are in search of a better place.


Would you do that if you had a good live where you were? Surely not. For the vast majority of migrants the key to moving is the Push, not the Pull. What really gets my goat is the fact that Britain is building a fence in Calais. That will help, lock the problem out and it will go away, surely? It is time for Britain to share the load appropriately, but of course the potential for that is completely at zero thanks to the Out of EU lobby.

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