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Do you judge people on what type of tenure they have?

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I ask this because I was recently in conversation with someone who said that they would feel as if their life was an utter failure if they were ever forced to return to social housing.


I did think at the time that was such an odd thing to say - brave to reveal it, if that's how they genuinely feel. But also they must live in constant fear of what they have might be taken away from them. Especially since many people nowadays don't have much savings wise - so their home could quite easily wind up being repossessed.


I wouldn't judge someone if they lived in a council house or owned their own flat....I'd judge them on how they behaved, or treated others perhaps.


Has anyone else come across this mindset & where does it come from?

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Well there must be lots of people that think this way on here, going on the number of people that like to tell totally uninterested strangers on a public forum what sort of house they live in.


I agree with you. Who cares where other people live or what they do for a living? It's their choice and nothing to do with anyone else.


Too many people seem to get a kick out of telling others just how 'successful' they are by comparing themselves to people they see as worse off than themselves, instead of admitting to themselves just how 'unsuccessful' they really are compared to even more successful people.


And it's normally those that are really disappointed with their own level of 'success' that tend to boast about their achievements the most!


Rant over... :D

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Well there must be lots of people that think this way on here, going on the number of people that like to tell totally uninterested strangers on a public forum what sort of house they live in.


I agree with you. Who cares where other people live or what they do for a living? It's their choice and nothing to do with anyone else.


Too many people seem to get a kick out of telling others just how 'successful' they are by comparing themselves to people they see as worse off than themselves, instead of admitting to themselves just how 'unsuccessful' they really are compared to even more successful people.


And it's normally those that are really disappointed with their own level of 'success' that tend to boast about their achievements the most!


Rant over... :D


Yes I take what people say on this forum with a pinch of salt - too many tuppence ha'penny millionaires!


I do think that this constant pressure put on people to buy has really warped some people's attitudes - like looking down on others who are in the social rented sector. Or those who live in the 'wrong area' :rolleyes:

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I personally think you should only ever judge a person on them as a person,who cares what material things they have/don't have,doesn't make them any less/more of a kinder person .I have friends from all different backgrounds but the most caring,kind and loyal are the ones with little (material things)to give.My nan used an old saying'never judge a book by it's cover'

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I have long since learned that pretty much everybody you ever meet will have been on a journey through their lives which had steps in it which you couldn't even imagine, whether good, bad or just plain hard. That means that judging people is thoroughly inappropriate- if they judged you without knowing why you are where you are, how would you feel about that?


I very fortuitously bought my house when I was very young. 10 years before it wouldn't have been possible because women couldn't buy houses by themselves unless they were very prosperous because it was very hard to get a mortgage as a single woman. 5 years afterwards it wouldn't have been possible because I was already ill enough to not qualify for a mortgage, so it was simply luck that I grew up in just the right time to take advantage of a housing lull that brought properties into my price range too.


If that hadn't all come together in the way that it did then I'd be in social housing because I simply wouldn't have had the money to have lived anywhere else, since I've been ill for the last 18 years.


Would that have been the end of the world? Of course not, it would be nothing compared with the fight I've been having to stay alive. I'm more likely to make assumptions about people who live in flashy and ostentatious houses than those who live in rented accommodation or social housing.

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Yes I take what people say on this forum with a pinch of salt - too many tuppence ha'penny millionaires!


I do think that this constant pressure put on people to buy has really warped some people's attitudes - like looking down on others who are in the social rented sector. Or those who live in the 'wrong area' :rolleyes:

I'm sure, given the choice, that everyone would like to live in a better house in a better area.


There's nothing wrong with that - it's called having ambition.


But it's not something that everyone is lucky enough to achieve (for whatever reason), and although it can be hard, you should really try not to let spiteful people get to you just because they have been more fortunate than yourself.


There are probably lots of people living in big houses that are for one reason or another, not happy with their lot.


And being happy and contented is far more important than keeping up with the Jones(es)... :)

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Only on forums. In real life why would you even ask the question or care?


I don't understand all this one upmanship, class hierarchy crap.


In fact I worked at a solicitors and left after 4 weeks because the partners used to order people about. Its a professional workplace for ducks sake not the school playground.

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Only on forums. In real life why would you even ask the question or care?


I don't understand all this one upmanship, class hierarchy crap.


In fact I worked at a solicitors and left after 4 weeks because the partners used to order people about. Its a professional workplace for ducks sake not the school playground.


But you can't help chipping in on a forum!

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