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If UK leaves Europe … a warning??

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A debate on Europe is of very little use if the people in that debate don't know what they are talking about; and considering that we have had 40 years of lies, evasions and selective reporting on the EU most people in the UK are not basing their opinion on the EU on facts. They can't - they haven't been told any.
Are you therefore suggesting that the average British citizen is incapable of, or unwilling to, educating themselves about all things EU independently of mainstream media?


That'd be a bit mean to your fellow Brits :(

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A debate on Europe is of very little use if the people in that debate don't know what they are talking about; and considering that we have had 40 years of lies, evasions and selective reporting on the EU most people in the UK are not basing their opinion on the EU on facts. They can't - they haven't been told any.


Exactly what i said then,you just don't like what you are hearing..........just because you claim that you are in the dark doesn't mean that other people are the same,how the hell would you know that they don't know what they are talking about?..........if you have no idea on the EU and are waiting for the BBC to tell you,and claim that people have been left in the dark,how would you know what 'facts' are?...........you are claiming yourself that you have no idea,yet you are claiming that what you've been told are lies.....somehow,that much you do know.........now that is what I call selective.

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Are you therefore suggesting that the average British citizen is incapable of, or unwilling to, educating themselves about all things EU independently of mainstream media?


Unfortunately many people still trust that nice man on the TV telling them how things are.


---------- Post added 08-06-2015 at 19:20 ----------


Exactly what i said then,you just don't like what you are hearing..........just because you claim that you are in the dark doesn't mean that other people are the same,how the hell would you know that they don't know what they are talking about?..........if you have no idea on the EU and are waiting for the BBC to tell you,and claim that people have been left in the dark,how would you know what 'facts' are?...........you are claiming yourself that you have no idea,yet you are claiming that what you've been told are lies.....somehow,that much you do know.........now that is what I call selective.


And this is what I call garbled rubbish.

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Unfortunately many people still trust that nice man on the TV telling them how things are.
Ah, so you are suggesting that your average fellow Brit is incapable of, or unwilling to, self-improve their factual knowledge about the EU.


That's very mean to your fellow Brits, Harry :(


Personally, I hold Brits in much higher esteem, proven precisely by the fact that the vast majority in current polls and debates intends to vote for 'in': clearly, that majority knows a few facts about the EU. And maybe some you don't know yourself :)

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Unfortunately many people still trust that nice man on the TV telling them how things are.


---------- Post added 08-06-2015 at 19:20 ----------



And this is what I call garbled rubbish.


It is to you,ask the BBC to sort it out for you.Do you want the BBC to go into the polling booth with you and sing Eeny,Meeny,Miny Mo to you while your pencil jumps from the yes to the no box and see where it lands?............get yourself educated man.

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True, but this isn't an accident. We have been in the EU for 40 years, so why is their so little knowledge of it? Especially when we have a publicly-funded broadcaster in the BBC, part of whose mandate is "to educate and inform"?


The public are kept in the dark about the EU by design.


Correct, although it isn't by design, it is because as a national politician it is far easier to blame the EU than have to explain WHY you are introducing unpopular measures. Again this is something that Fischer highlighted, when he was the foreign affairs bod at the EU he frequently encountered this syndrome.


I can fairly judge that this effect is worst in the UK, although it does happen elsewhere. The UK population is being kept out of the loop on purpose. I don't share Loob's optimism for self-enlightenment, which is why I will never stop hammering on about this topic.

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I don't share Loob's optimism for self-enlightenment, which is why I will never stop hammering on about this topic.
For all my too-frequent sarcasms, Cartesian outlook and perma-cynicism...cup's half-full, Tim: you gotta want to see the good in people, to see it ;)
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EU philes used to claim that the EU had "maintained peace in Europe since the end of WW2" - until it was pointed out to them that WW2 ended in 1945 and the EEC didn't come into being until 1957... :hihi:
I always thought that the peace in Europe came from the presence of NATO, which includes a good many Americans and Canadians, with the UK the largest European Military force in the Organization.
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