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If UK leaves Europe … a warning??

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Unreal isn't it. The pension industry has spent the last 30 years trashing private pension funds and creaming off vast fees for itself, all with little accountability. Your experience suggests nothing is going to change at all.


---------- Post added 09-06-2015 at 22:49 ----------



Sorry got that wrong way round in earlier post - public sector workers are on average better qualified. Will fix it.


I wouldn't say in my specialism I'm any better qualified -certainly in letters after the name because we all sit the same exams whether public or private as do my colleagues in other areas such as IT and finance. So if someone has an MCIPS qual outside of the civil service just as equal as the one I have assuming that we both did it via the external exam route as I did.


---------- Post added 09-06-2015 at 23:00 ----------


Agreed which why those who could bought houses to let out instead of relying on a suspect and unreliable pension scheme.


Can well see why they did to be honest. And who could blame anyone who did?

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Apart from Stalin obviously. And pol pot. And Nicolae Ceaușescu wasn't exactly an all round good egg either. Do you want me to find more?

Nope, I'm aware of the blindingly obvious examples, thanks.


I was referring to individual idiots who massacre civilians, like the Norwegian guy, that Bomber in london in the mid-90's and others in the US.

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Nope, I'm aware of the blindingly obvious examples, thanks.


I was referring to individual idiots who massacre civilians, like the Norwegian guy, that Bomber in london in the mid-90's and others in the US.


Oh right. I didn't realise you only meant individual nut jobs rather than collections thereof I think the key word there is nutjob than their political leanings.

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Oh right. I didn't realise you only meant individual nut jobs rather than collections thereof I think the key word there is nutjob than their political leanings.


Yes. I think that is a more accurate term. It usually seems to be the case that loner nutjobs who massacre people seem to be right-wing, and not usually left-wing extremist morons?

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Yes. I think that is a more accurate term. It usually seems to be the case that loner nutjobs who massacre people seem to be right-wing, and not usually left-wing extremist morons?


What about nujobs who live in left wing countries like Cuba and the like... nutjobs are not political. They're nutjobs........ I assume the London bombers never voted Conservative... I dunno though...

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The UK faces the threat of a dramatic credit rating downgrade thanks to the EU referendum according to this article= http://www.thisismoney.co.uk/money/news/article-3122707/UK-faces-threat-dramatic-credit-rating-downgrade-thanks-EU-referendum.html

I guess the vote no to leaving the EU bully tactics has begun already....

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Yes. I think that is a more accurate term. It usually seems to be the case that loner nutjobs who massacre people seem to be right-wing, and not usually left-wing extremist morons?


I think most are more likely to be religious nutjobs now (are ISIS left or right wing? They tend to take things over like bakeries etc when they roll into town). I think most lone wolf nutters are apolitical.

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