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If UK leaves Europe … a warning??

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Yes. I think that is a more accurate term. It usually seems to be the case that loner nutjobs who massacre people seem to be right-wing, and not usually left-wing extremist morons?


Stalin was a loner. Didn't trust anybody. Left winger. Killed millions

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I think most are more likely to be religious nutjobs now (are ISIS left or right wing? They tend to take things over like bakeries etc when they roll into town). I think most lone wolf nutters are apolitical.
They sound to me like a faith-based version of national socialism, tbh: well to the right of Ghengis Kahn for just about everything and the rest...but they mean well for the population in a communist sense ;)
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Threats of vindictive retribution from the EU, vengeance to be wreaked on Britain for daring to decide her own destiny, is like a violent boyfriend threatening to hunt down and harm a partner if they ever try to escape.


Is that the kind of relationship we wish to be in?

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Threats of vindictive retribution from the EU, vengeance to be wreaked on Britain for daring to decide her own destiny, is like a violent boyfriend threatening to hunt down and harm a partner if they ever try to escape.


Is that the kind of relationship we wish to be in?


Wrong analogy.


It's more like - if you stopped paying your membership for the country club, you cannot expect to carry on claiming all the benefits of being a member of the country club.

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Threats of vindictive retribution from the EU, vengeance to be wreaked on Britain for daring to decide her own destiny, is like a violent boyfriend threatening to hunt down and harm a partner if they ever try to escape.


Is that the kind of relationship we wish to be in?


Have the EU threatened to declare war on the UK?...........what's been threatened so far,and by who?

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Since the EU formed the number of deaths due to war in the continent has plummeted, a very cool animation is doing the rounds online, I can link to it if you want. Of course that stability is probably more to do with the North Atlantic Trade Organisation, as I am sure you will be aware.


When it comes to 'political interference' the EU is chaired by all the heads of state, including your own. They decide what direction the parliament takes and set goals and targets. I know it is difficult to get your head round complicated things like the European Commission (except it isn't) and MEPs (Except it isn't). But do try, at least you will have a chance to be factually correct when yammering on about how unfair the EU is.


What is this? I've never heard of it?

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We, the British people need to tell the bureaucrats, corporations and other misfits to jolly well stick their union!


Is that what the British people want. Currently the, stay in the EU, is ahead n the polls.

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