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If UK leaves Europe … a warning??

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More likely devastating to Poland, wonder how much they depend on UK benefits,

"Rafał Trzaskowski, Polish minister in charge of EU policy, rejects migrant benefits cut and says travel and jobs will be hit if UK quits",



Polish people generally don't come here to claim benefits. They come here to work. They can't claim benefits from the word go unless they satisfy stringent criteria, and even if they do manage to register as job seekers (for example) then they can only retain that status for 6 months total. Even then whatever they get is income-based and means-tested.


The upside for us is that Polish people are highly-educated, highly-skilled hard workers who plug skills gaps and pay taxes. They are less likely to claim benefits, less likely to live in social housing. They are the net contributors that RonJeremy seems fixated on at the moment, paying way more in taxes than they receive in benefits. They are the archetypal hard-working people the Tories constantly bang on about. But let's not let all that get in the way of the 'immigrants are bad' mantra.


Just to add the UK has a long standing special relationship with Poland. We went to war for them in 1939 and over 200,000 Polish men and women fought under the command of the British army in WW2.

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I think it is referring to Joschka Fischer, former Foreign Secretary of Germany and the man that founded the foreign policy for the EU.


The same Joschka Fischer who was formerly a revolutionary communist and Green politician.


I'm old enough to remember the last EU referendum and I fully expect the same lies, scare tactics and smears to be used by the pro-EU side this time just as they were in 1975.

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.. the ability of British people to travel as freely as they do now, and to work and buy homes in other EU countries, would also be lost, and that UK businesses would suddenly face new problems, …….[/QUOT


These are not really issues are they. No one is going to stop tourists from the uk going anywhere in europe to suggest that is just silly.


Brits buying homes abroad or emmigrating ... who cares about the fate of ex pats whp for whatever reason have chose to abandon the UK.


Uk businesses would have new problems and lose some old ones...swings and roundabouts.



So .. …

Is UK really better out of …, Yes we joined a market not a dictatorial ideology

Do we really know the costs …, Do we really know the costs of statying in... well we know some and we know some of the freedoms we would reclaim.


do we know the facts? Are we ever told ALL the facts, do we even know the goals of the state of europe?

Some think not! Thankfully some of us know we don't, and some of us realise how little we do know about something we are supposed to be equal members of.


I am not alone in thinking that we should get out of the EU's political interference. Especially before they get is into a p*ssing war if not a real one with Russia.



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Lol. Left wing nutjobs being somehow more acceptable than right wing nutjobs, obviously.


There's nowt wrong with being a revolutionary communist when you're young and stupid and can't do any real harm. Being a green politician is pretty cool. Being like and liking the likes of Michael Gove, well that's pretty desperate.


That said, I'm always cheered by the photos of that young revolutionary columnist Michael Gove on the NUJ picket line:




And these days he still seems pretty relaxed about the idea of working with revolutionaries:




It's a crazy mixed up world Harry

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Polish people generally don't come here to claim benefits. They come here to work. They can't claim benefits from the word go unless they satisfy stringent criteria, and even if they do manage to register as job seekers (for example) then they can only retain that status for 6 months total. Even then whatever they get is income-based and means-tested.


The upside for us is that Polish people are highly-educated, highly-skilled hard workers who plug skills gaps and pay taxes. They are less likely to claim benefits, less likely to live in social housing. They are the net contributors that RonJeremy seems fixated on at the moment, paying way more in taxes than they receive in benefits. They are the archetypal hard-working people the Tories constantly bang on about. But let's not let all that get in the way of the 'immigrants are bad' mantra.


Just to add the UK has a long standing special relationship with Poland. We went to war for them in 1939 and over 200,000 Polish men and women fought under the command of the British army in WW2.


We ought to swop the 15,000 poles claming JSA for the two Brits claiming in Poland, wonder what other benefits these hard workers are claiming.

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The same Joschka Fischer who was formerly a revolutionary communist and Green politician.


I'm old enough to remember the last EU referendum and I fully expect the same lies, scare tactics and smears to be used by the pro-EU side this time just as they were in 1975.


You mean like the straight bananas lie or the one saying we had to have a quota of Roma MPs?

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We ought to swop the 15,000 poles claming JSA for the two Brits claiming in Poland, wonder what other benefits these hard workers are claiming.


How much does 15,000 Polish claiming JSA cost us? Let's just get some perspective here fella, it's about 0.04% of the welfare budget. Offset that against the facts that they can only claim it for 6 months, it's mean tested and that Polish people are net contributers (taxes paid vs benefits claimed) then you might want to drop this line of argument. I am of course happy to continue if you want ;)

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