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The new EU policy

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What does a growing economy do for you?


It does not make YOU richer or happier; its just the size of the economy, it does not affect our poor productivity levels.


A growing economy without more houses and infrastructure does put peoples noses out, but having a Tory press does help the facts.



If doubling the size of the economy is achieved by doubling the population there isn't really much benefit to the individual apart from only having half as much space in which to live and motorways 6 lanes wide that are still grid locked. I suppose there is some brief period of boost to the economy until the last field is tarmaced over.


---------- Post added 09-06-2015 at 15:42 ----------


A growing economy gives the government the opportunity to cut taxes and/or improve services and/or invest in the country.


No it doesn't. If a growing economy isn't achieved through productivity but through population increase there is no improvement in services because you need proportionately more of everything for the increased population.


---------- Post added 09-06-2015 at 15:44 ----------



How are we doing on the happiness index, David Cameron brought that in, in the last Parliament.


I'm pretty happy but as your team clearly lost the election and you can't stop whining about it, I suspect you aren't.

Edited by Bigthumb
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If doubling the size of the economy is achieved by doubling the population there isn't really much benefit to the individual apart from only having half as much space in which to live and motorways 6 lanes wide that are still grid locked. I suppose there is some brief period of boost to the economy until the last field is tarmaced over.


---------- Post added 09-06-2015 at 15:42 ----------



No it doesn't. If a growing economy isn't achieved through productivity but through population increase there is no improvement in services because you need proportionately more of everything for the increased population.


---------- Post added 09-06-2015 at 15:44 ----------



I'm pretty happy but as your team clearly lost the election and you can't stop whining about it, I suspect you aren't.


Points that I am afraid are lost on many people.


Growing economy = Good

Declining economy = Bad


The reasons for the fall or growth are apparently unimportant. :rolleyes:

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If doubling the size of the economy is achieved by doubling the population there isn't really much benefit to the individual apart from only having half as much space in which to live and motorways 6 lanes wide that are still grid locked. I suppose there is some brief period of boost to the economy until the last field is tarmaced over.




No it doesn't. If a growing economy isn't achieved through productivity but through population increase there is no improvement in services because you need proportionately more of everything for the increased population


Apparently,many UK businesses are claiming that they can't attract enough of the locals to work for the wages offered,or find suitably qualified staff to work their businesses.........now either the UK gets it's act together and sorts out the reasons for that happening,or its businesses continue to be attracted to foreign workers resulting in population increase and no improvement in services...........seems to me that the Tories need to tell the UK shirkers to get some work done,and those in work to work harder.......all of which they are going to have to do if the UK leaves the EU.........no non skilled migrants willing to work for peanuts to fill unfilled places that Brits are not willing to fill,plus providing training to get skilled brits to replace skilled migrants who were trained by their own countries.

Edited by chalga
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What some people don't understanding is that you can grow the economy by increasing crime, debt, disease and population density.
Any evidence that the current UK growth is attributable to these factors?

Or it could be growing as a consequence of government debt and spending.
Any evidence that the current UK growth is attributable to these factors?

It rather depends on the reason for the growth.
Per the above, I'm all ears.




We'll see then, shall we? ;)
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Apparently,many UK businesses are claiming that they can't attract enough of the locals to work for the wages offered,or find suitably qualified staff to work their businesses.........now either the UK gets it's act together and sorts out the reasons for that happening,or its businesses continue to be attracted to foreign workers resulting in population increase and no improvement in services...........seems to me that the Tories need to tell the UK shirkers to get some work done,and those in work to work harder.......all of which they are going to have to do if the UK leaves the EU.........no non skilled migrants willing to work for peanuts to fill unfilled places that Brits are not willing to fill,plus providing training to get skilled brits to replace skilled migrants who were trained by their own countries.


Well, you takes your choice. With an aging population, a strong service economy, active emigration, good wage levels and low unemployment if we exit Europe then our lower waged labour is going to have to be imported from other places.


It may come down to a choice between staying in the EU and allowing in white Christian immigrants with a high-ish birth rate or leaving the EU and inviting in non-white, non-christian immigrants with an ever higher birth rate. The latter probably as sweeteners for trade deals that we will be negotiating ourselves.


Any anti-Europe bods even considered this for a single minute?

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Well, you takes your choice. With an aging population, a strong service economy, active emigration, good wage levels and low unemployment if we exit Europe then our lower waged labour is going to have to be imported from other places.


It may come down to a choice between staying in the EU and allowing in white Christian immigrants with a high-ish birth rate or leaving the EU and inviting in non-white, non-christian immigrants with an ever higher birth rate. The latter probably as sweeteners for trade deals that we will be negotiating ourselves.


Any anti-Europe bods even considered this for a single minute?


Well,if there is an exit and unskilled labour still has to be imported,that is just shooting yourself in the foot...........amongst other things,it means extra administration to obtain work permits for foreigners.

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Well, you takes your choice. With an aging population, a strong service economy, active emigration, good wage levels and low unemployment if we exit Europe then our lower waged labour is going to have to be imported from other places.
My understanding of the Brexit supporters' version is that imported labour would still come mostly from the EU, if only for reasons of geographic proximity and cultural + educational compatibility. But they'd be run through the sort of PBS/conditions already in place for non-EU immigrants.


At which point the middle to highly skilled EU ones would just take a look at the place, the weather and average living conditions here, and say "f*** this for a game of soldiers, PBS for PBS, might as well go for Sidney or bust" ;):D

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I'm pretty happy but as your team clearly lost the election and you can't stop whining about it, I suspect you aren't.


I dont mind who won, because I am a rare Liberal Democrat, but they seem to be acting as if a majority of the population voted for them, which they did not.


---------- Post added 09-06-2015 at 17:49 ----------



Per the above, I'm all ears.


We'll see then, shall we? ;)


What ever has happened to the economy,


The 'Life in the UK 2014' report shows that since 2010 the proportion satisfied with their health has fallen (from 68.3% in 2009/10 to 58.6% in 2011/12)


Its figures are rather poorly expressed, but its certainly not all positive. It would be better to compare 2010/11 with 2014.



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Any evidence that the current UK growth is attributable to these factors?

Any evidence that the current UK growth is attributable to these factors?

Per the above, I'm all ears.




We'll see then, shall we? ;)


Some of it is and some is attributed to other things.


Burglaries up 14% - British Crime Survey, when stuff is nicked it needs replacing, and buying replacements increases GDP.


More people usually means more people spending money and more money spent increases GDP.

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