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If You Could Implement 3 Laws?

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If You Could Implement 3 Laws that would make the UK or Sheffield a better place for society, what would they be?


I think there are probably 100's of new simple laws that could be brought in to make life a little better.


I'll get you started with these simple 3...



  • All baby/wet wipes should be flushable
  • There should be a 5p tax on chewing gum to help councils clean the streets
  • Compulsory Theory test for under 125cc scooter/motorcycle riders

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Do you mean riders who are on an L plate riding with a provisional license? In which case they're in the same situation as car learners. Theory test is required before getting a full license, not before.


I think I'd rather repeal laws than create new ones to be honest.

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Do you mean riders who are on an L plate riding with a provisional license? In which case they're in the same situation as car learners. Theory test is required before getting a full license, not before.


I think I'd rather repeal laws than create new ones to be honest.


or at least enforce the ones we do have first.


There are already laws about bad driving and littering the streets, but no-one around to enforce them.


Haha.....typical SF


Instead of being constructive you just moaned :roll:.....its just a light heated thread about what you think would benefit us all


Like all day opening of shops on a sunday or not selling coffee in pubs

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One. Make all local pro football teams play at least five players born within 20 miles of the club.

Two . Make all school children go to a local school that can be reached within a 30 minute walk [saving millions on unnecessary travel and fuel.


Three any one using a mobile phone when driving would be sentenced to 12 months in prison without time out for good behaviour .

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*Fines for wilfully not picking up litter immediately in front of your house over a prolonged period of time. (exceptions made for the elderly, disabled and those who live next to busy shops and bus stops etc).


*All news media, social media and print news press must provide neutral unbiased facts without any spin or agenda.


*A complete end to just any tom dick and harry breeding dogs of any kind.

Edited by Guest
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Only people in full time employment can request an appointment for an NHS service (excluding A&E obviously). Everyone else such as the unemployed, students, senior citizens etc can use the NHS on a first come first served (deli-counter style) system. They will still receive the same standard of treatment but should expect a bit of a wait.


This will free up appointments and make the appointments run to time, allowing tax paying employees to get back to work (funding the NHS) and at the same time improving national productivity.

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