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Isle of Man and the Manx police and Judiciary.

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its the Isle of man TT week at the moment and there are a fair few visitors to the beautiful isle of Man, now with all these people there are bound to be some disturbances and breach of the peace, some minor some major. its is refreshing to see how the Manx Police and the manx judiciary deal with this.

No Messing about no excuses, immediate fine immediate jail no appeal and a ban from the island, a shame our judicery and police cant take some lessons here.

Isle of Man Constabulary Media Page

37 mins ·


Media Update - Disorder on Closed Roads

The man arrested for being on closed roads, and committing a public order offence appeared in court today.


David SEAGER, aged 47 years of Bristol, appeared in court charged with an offence under section 2 of the Public Order Act, and being on closed roads. He received a sentence of eight weeks in custody, and was excluded from the Isle of Man.


Inspector Derek Flint said; “This sentence should send a crystal-clear message that anti-social behaviour towards fellow spectators and marshals, as well as being on closed roads contrary to a road closure order, will simply not be tolerated. Behaviour of this sort puts people at huge risk, and we will do everything in our power to ensure the marshals difficult job is supported.


Anyone thinking of disregarding a road closure order should take heed, and be mindful that the courts will take a similarly dim view of such irresponsible action.”

Edited by smilersarah
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Yea you're right there


Police issued a warning after a video - widely shared on social media - showed several spectators at the TT races "wandering" around on the closed roads.


A spokesman said: "If a road is closed it's a race track - if you take the risk, you could be looking at a prison sentence."

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Intrigued as to how someone can be "excluded" from the island. Is this for ever, or is he just put on a plane home and free to comeback whenever he wants?


manx police do keep records of who comes and goes via airline tickets and boat bookings probably not 100% but better than our system, apparently the guy is excluded for 5 years after his little holiday in a Manx Jail which i have heard are not very comfy:hihi: the system obviously works as there is little crime on the island.

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