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You Win £80m On The Lottery Tonight?

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Fair enough. I understand where you're coming from, I just think this method is likely to cause different complications.
It's a bit 'involved', granted, but there's (well meaning-) method to the madness, as you seem to understand.


Usefully, that method effectively implements this, in a roundabout way:

Perhaps a theoretical balance against which they can draw, but not belonging to them would be better. Some kind of family fund maybe, with different drawing allowances for different members.
without inheritance taxation issues (if they draw their pay into Luxbg ;))


Or the argy-bargy that is sure to eventually follow, once one or more members become aware of the 'different drawing allowances for different members' and take exception to their or another member's allowance level.

Edited by L00b
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What are your answers to the 4 questions below and why?


  1. Would you go public and receive the big cheque?
  2. What would be the very first thing you did after receiving the money?
  3. How much would you give away to charity/friends?
  4. What would be your big major indulgence? (house, boat, Bugatti)

Note:- Before the typical SF members come on and say "I dont do the lottery cause its just a way for the government to tax the poor" etc



Its just a bit of fun, you dont have to participate. :P


---------- Post added 09-06-2015 at 11:00 ----------


I'll go first...

  1. I would not go public.....i really dont understand those people who do
  2. I would book and trip to the Maldives and not tell anyone to give myself 2 weeks to figure out my next move.
  3. Id give £10m away to family/friends/charity
  4. Id buy a big house in Alderley Edge for around £4m


Generally, i think id spend the next few years travelling and enjoying the high-life. :hihi:


1. No

2. Make a cuppa

3. Probably around £40m. The rest would sit there and eventually make my gorgeous niece rich.

4. Nothing. I have everything I need for the time being.


S x

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It's a bit 'involved', granted, but there's (well meaning-) method to the madness, as you seem to understand.


Usefully, that method effectively implements this, in a roundabout way: without inheritance taxation issues (if they draw their pay into Luxbg ;))


Or the argy-bargy that is sure to eventually follow, once one or more members become aware of the 'different drawing allowances for different members' and take exception to their or another member's allowance level.


I can't remember what I put in my spreadsheet, I think parents/siblings got the same amount. Nephews, nieces, aunties, uncles, cousins, grandparents all got a lower amount.

Everyone's family is different, but I can't imagine anyone complaining or comparing in mine.

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1) I'd consider going public and hire someone to deal with all the begging letters and maybe set aside a fund for any genuine cries for help.


2) Book a holiday to somewhere exotic and use the time to come up with a plan of action with the Hubby (hopefully he won't carry out his threat of trading me in for a younger model and an Aston Martin!)


3) We'd probably agree different amounts for different people based on their situation...and whether we think they would do the same for us! There would also be a fair bit given to local charities rather than the big ones.


4) Big indulgence....hmmm...probably a round-the-world luxury holiday and then handpick a few places to buy a little apartment or villa that we could visit or loan out to family and friends :)

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The first thing before you do anything is to hire a good accountancy firm,because HMRC are going to have a close interest in you immediately to the rest of your days!(try not to take their financial investment advice).Secondly hire a good Lawyer,because their will be times when you need legal protection on a grander scale than you have probably been used to.

Thirdly and this may be the trickiest,hire some good investment advice.........do a deal and only pay for successful results................then have a few beers whilst you contemplate the highs and lows of what such an amount will inevitably bring!


Do not go public!

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What are your answers to the 4 questions below and why?


  1. Would you go public and receive the big cheque?
  2. What would be the very first thing you did after receiving the money?
  3. How much would you give away to charity/friends?
  4. What would be your big major indulgence? (house, boat, Bugatti)

Note:- Before the typical SF members come on and say "I dont do the lottery cause its just a way for the government to tax the poor" etc



Its just a bit of fun, you dont have to participate. :P


---------- Post added 09-06-2015 at 11:00 ----------


I'll go first...

  1. I would not go public.....i really dont understand those people who do
  2. I would book and trip to the Maldives and not tell anyone to give myself 2 weeks to figure out my next move.
  3. Id give £10m away to family/friends/charity
  4. Id buy a big house in Alderley Edge for around £4m


Generally, i think id spend the next few years travelling and enjoying the high-life. :hihi:


1. No.

1.a) No!

2. Make sure immediate family is sorted - get mother a bungalow - that sort of thing.

3. Immediate family get some, close friends get some charity gets some. Not sure on the figures. Then...

4.....I'm off. World tour - see you in a couple years.

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I can't remember what I put in my spreadsheet, I think parents/siblings got the same amount. Nephews, nieces, aunties, uncles, cousins, grandparents all got a lower amount.

Everyone's family is different, but I can't imagine anyone complaining or comparing in mine.


I used to think that about my family until the death of a relative brought out the family scum aka sue. She is a total scrubber, never worked, we always helped her and er family out with money and other stuff but when the reli died she seemed to think she had some entitlement to the money. she threatened all types of legal rubbish and wanted an amount so far above what the relative actually left it was almost funny. What wasnt funny is that when her mum died the family (Not her) paid to bury her yet she still seemed to think she was owed.

Complete scum of the highest order

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Everyone's family is different, but I can't imagine anyone complaining or comparing in mine.
Most normal people of most normal families start off with that mindset...


...then money 'happens' :(


Like Timeh above, and as I posted, I've already seen more than my fair share of unexpected greed-based disasters. Family and money. Never a worse recipe for disaster. You may mean well and want the best for all...but it nearly always ends in tears. And that's just with 'normal' everyday sums. Not £80m.

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