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You Win £80m On The Lottery Tonight?

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I can't remember what I put in my spreadsheet, I think parents/siblings got the same amount. Nephews, nieces, aunties, uncles, cousins, grandparents all got a lower amount.

Everyone's family is different, but I can't imagine anyone complaining or comparing in mine.


I'd limit it to very close relatives (my brothers and my wife's brothers and sister). It would be up to them how they chose to pass it along to their children and grandchildren - although as I said above, I'd probably do the gifting myself, in legal terms, so that there'd be less risk of getting multiple inheritance tax hits if that could happen.


I could imagine some comparing going on with some relatives. I'd just make sure each brother and sister got the same amount. Even then, I can imagine the one with more children expecting to get a bigger slice to share out.


Although I don't know how it could work in practice, I think L00b's idea of staying incognito has its advantages.


Now I've stopped to think about it more, I think I'd share out a bit less to relatives, and, if possible, make them think I'd won less (ie if I could avoid telling them which was my win), so they'd think they were getting a bigger share of the pot. Otherwise I would seriously expect one to come back for more if they thought there was still a lot left in the original pot.

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Now I've stopped to think about it more, I think I'd share out a bit less to relatives, and, if possible, make them think I'd won less (ie if I could avoid telling them which was my win), so they'd think they were getting a bigger share of the pot. Otherwise I would seriously expect one to come back for more if they thought there was still a lot left in the original pot.


Isn't that risky? Future recriminations about lying... When they realise that you're still funding your new lifestyle and that it must be a bigger jackpot than you implied...


I guess saying you had "a win" without going into specifics isn't unreasonable.

In which case you can't let Camelot tell everyone in the world.

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have just realised how old and boring I must have become because the first thing that came to mind was the absolute pleasure of feet up on the settee, nice cuppa and being able to just spend the evening knowing that instead of dreaming about making so many peoples dreams come true, I could actually do it.

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Isn't that risky? Future recriminations about lying... When they realise that you're still funding your new lifestyle and that it must be a bigger jackpot than you implied...


I guess saying you had "a win" without going into specifics isn't unreasonable.

In which case you can't let Camelot tell everyone in the world.


Yes, it possibly is. Although I wouldn't have a particularly lavish lifestyle - although the relatives would. They do now, and struggle to pay for it, ie, they always have the latest tech and wouldn't be seen dead in any car that wasn't German (and VW doesn't count).

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