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Time to change traffic lights (Red&Amber)?

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Straight Red -> Green would be terrible in Sheffield.


Since most drivers in Sheffield fall asleep at the lights and only wake up on Amber, what cue would be used to wake them up again?


The driver behind them beeping their horn?


But Sheffield folk don't like that and take it as a personal insult.


Stupid, stupid Sheffield drivers :roll:

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would it make a difference?


I lose count every day of the instances I see drivers follow a line of traffic through an amber light and then the last few trickle through on red.


Maybe we need to educate the existing driving population rather that change the game

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would it make a difference?


I lose count every day of the instances I see drivers follow a line of traffic through an amber light and then the last few trickle through on red.


Maybe we need to educate the existing driving population rather that change the game


Many, many years ago I was waiting for someone near the University tram stop, mid afternoon, before the rush hour. On every cycle of lights there were at least 3 or 4 cars heading north on Hanover Way who passed well into the red phase. There was something flashing. It looked to me that there was a red light jumping camera, but I don't know if that was the case, and whether it's still there now. I don't see mention of people being done for red light jumping, unlike speeding which gets mentioned a lot. Are red light jumpers regularly caught? Do many/any lights have cameras?

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Many, many years ago I was waiting for someone near the University tram stop, mid afternoon, before the rush hour. On every cycle of lights there were at least 3 or 4 cars heading north on Hanover Way who passed well into the red phase. There was something flashing. It looked to me that there was a red light jumping camera, but I don't know if that was the case, and whether it's still there now. I don't see mention of people being done for red light jumping, unlike speeding which gets mentioned a lot. Are red light jumpers regularly caught? Do many/any lights have cameras?


Hannover Way definitely has a traffic light camera heading towards the roundabout at the lights before the crossroads.

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