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Solar battery for night usage?

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Just came across the solar battery where you can use the electricity at night, that you've stored from the daytime. Anyone heard about them?

I saw it on Facebook from a company that says you can store your electricity to use at night, but can still claim the Feed-in Tariff....is this true?

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Turn your house into 12volt dc Solar panels and a solar hot water system plus a decent inverter (turns your DC to AC) does the job. I've seen it, it's the future. Oh sorry, you'll need some good batteries too.

Edited by mumkin
Just in case the SF chief pedant has a pop.
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I've enquired and they told me that it costs about £3.5k for the battery, but it's legit where you save from having the battery and can use the electricity you generate from the panels at night, and still sell the electricity back to the grid.

I'd imagine that those who have the free panels from a shade greener would benefit sooner, as they don't have to pay off any panels.

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