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When did you last see a slow-worm?

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I've not spotted one since the 70's. We used to find them near the beach on holiday in Cornwall and I once found one in a neighbour's garden in a suburb of Nottingham. I've had a very brief search on the internet and learned that they can be found in a variety of habitats, but are in decline.

When and where did you last see one?

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Seen one last month in Scotland, was the first time and I was thrilled. In a nature reserve near our home in the Netherlands we frequently spotted grass snakes and adders but slow worms are very rare there. Wild life is amazing.

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More common the further south you go. Someone posted a pic on FB of a slow worm just the other day, from Derbyshire though.


Last time I saw one was in Hampshire, last year.


Yes, saw that you'd pointed that in my direction, cheers.

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They're very good at keeping out of the way of humans so it's not something you'll accidentally stumble accross.


I have friends down south that had snakes in their garden last year.

They had one of those black plastic composting bins at the back of the garden, it wasn't being used so the snakes moved in.


A black plastic bin sat in the sun all day makes a lovely little home for them it turns out, dark, moist and very warm.

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Found one in my sisters garden a few weeks ago she says they were comman in the area but is the first she's seen for two years she lives near Bakewell this one was in a garden moss pole we put it back they are lovely harmless little creatures and eat slugs so are good in a garden

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