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EU Referendum - How will you vote?

Do you think that the UK should remain a member of the EU?  

530 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you think that the UK should remain a member of the EU?

    • YES
    • NO

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Go tell that to the people of Northampton, Grimsby, Hull to name a few areas. Most of the staff in the food production and storage are on Continental agency contracts, how can local people compete




Why would I need to go and explain the hiring policy of the multinational company I work for to factory workers in Grimsby? I don't work in the food game.


---------- Post added 22-06-2016 at 13:27 ----------


Your welcome mate vote out.


Still not convinced.

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Regardless of your personal beliefs, who wouldn't enjoy the look on Cameron and Osbourne's faces if we voted leave not to mention as all those arrogant self-righteous luvvies like Branson (Doubtless from his Caribbean tax haven)and Geldoff laughing at working people trying to earn a living and international bigwigs who are trying to tell all the little, ordinary people what to do and how to think.

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Latest Poll as of 13.26 today (The Telegraph daily tracker) puts Remain on 51% and Leave on 49%

Poll Analyst says swing to Remain has stopped and is returning to Leave. At moment.


So still anyone's game.


just need all out voters to vote

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1/4 chance of remain. 1/3 leave.

The leave price is drifting. Your families going to be dissapointed I'm afraid.


Surely betting odds are based on who bets on what regardless of what everyone expects to vote on the day. So if more people bet more money on remain, then its odds will shorten.


So if for example 2000 people each bet £20 on remain to win, but more poorer people, say 3000, only bet £10 each on exit, then the remain odds would shorten, even though brexit is more popular. And that's even assuming that people bet in the same way that they vote, and that both remainers and brexiters are as likely as each other to place a bet.


At the end of the day, whatever the outcome, bookies will still be driving around in rollers.

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It's strange that all the far right parties across Europe want UK to leave then isn't it?

Maybe it's reverse psychology.


No, it is very simple. The mainstream political parties across Europe have failed to control immigration - difficult when the EU insists on free movement of people within the EU and has no appetite for deporting illegal migrants from outside the EU. This is a big problem when most people have concerns about immigration and if they are continuous ignored then they will eventually turn to those that are offering to do something about it. Nationalist and far right groups obviously have to promise they'd leave the EU and retake control of borders or they wouldn't benefit from the frustration and anger would they?


What is required to prevent the far right from continuing to gain support is for politics to return to the centre ground where most people would prefer to stand. And where most people stand on the issue of immigration is that they want a lot less of it... not more. The introduction of selective immigration (not possible in the EU as things stand) would reduce the volume and improve the 'quality' of immigrants and that would appease the masses. Appease the masses instead of making them angry and the far right has nobody to appeal to.

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No, it is very simple. The mainstream political parties across Europe have failed to control immigration - difficult when the EU insists on free movement of people within the EU and has no appetite for deporting illegal migrants from outside the EU. This is a big problem when most people have concerns about immigration and if they are continuous ignored then they will eventually turn to those that are offering to do something about it. Nationalist and far right groups obviously have to promise they'd leave the EU and retake control of borders or they wouldn't benefit from the frustration and anger would they?


What is required to prevent the far right from continuing to gain support is for politics to return to the centre ground where most people would prefer to stand. And where most people stand on the issue of immigration is that they want a lot less of it... not more. The introduction of selective immigration (not possible in the EU as things stand) would reduce the volume and improve the 'quality' of immigrants and that would appease the masses. Appease the masses instead of making them angry and the far right has nobody to appeal to.


Interesting take, but how applicable is that to the UK? Our far right party, the BNP, has seen a dramatic decline in the UK. UKIP are more like Old Tories rather than proper far right.


When Europe voted for far right MEPs the BNP MEP vote actually went down in the UK.

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So people with more money are "better" in your view?
They certainly appear so in Johnson's view:


16) On rich people:


“We should be helping all those who can to join the ranks of the super-rich, and we should stop any bashing or moaning or preaching or bitching and simply give thanks for the prodigious sums of money that they are contributing to the tax revenues of this country, and that enable us to look after our sick and our elderly and to build roads, railways and schools.”



But as Johnson's quotes go, this one is still my favourite, by a country mile:


7) On how to vote:


"Voting Tory will cause your wife to have bigger breasts and increase your chances of owning a BMW M3."

Quality! :hihi: Edited by L00b
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Tried to watch a bit of that god awful great EU debate today...

Take back control. Take back control. Take back control.

What nonsense from the leave side.


Can't wait for tomorrow then I think I'm done with politics for the rest of the year.


---------- Post added 22-06-2016 at 14:53 ----------


No, it is very simple. The mainstream political parties across Europe have failed to control immigration - difficult when the EU insists on free movement of people within the EU and has no appetite for deporting illegal migrants from outside the EU. This is a big problem when most people have concerns about immigration and if they are continuous ignored then they will eventually turn to those that are offering to do something about it. Nationalist and far right groups obviously have to promise they'd leave the EU and retake control of borders or they wouldn't benefit from the frustration and anger would they?


What is required to prevent the far right from continuing to gain support is for politics to return to the centre ground where most people would prefer to stand. And where most people stand on the issue of immigration is that they want a lot less of it... not more. The introduction of selective immigration (not possible in the EU as things stand) would reduce the volume and improve the 'quality' of immigrants and that would appease the masses. Appease the masses instead of making them angry and the far right has nobody to appeal to.


Interesting. Would you say muslims and the refugee crisis are the biggest worries ?

Edited by Tomjames
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