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EU Referendum - How will you vote?

Do you think that the UK should remain a member of the EU?  

530 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you think that the UK should remain a member of the EU?

    • YES
    • NO

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The referendum has only just been announced and the pound has experienced biggest drop in a year within hours.


Meaning what?


---------- Post added 22-02-2016 at 10:08 ----------


What about the €6.3 billion we get back from the EU, should the UK government take over those funding commitments?


It's about half of what the UK pays into the EU so a very simplistic argument would be Yes, and give everyone in the UK a massive tax cut too.

Edited by Eric Arthur
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What about the €6.3 billion we get back from the EU, should the UK government take over those funding commitments?


It wouldn't be a problem. The UK is and always has been a net contributer to the EU coffers. Our average contribution is around £10 billion after all our subsidies and rebates are taken into account. The question you should be asking is who in the EU will take over forking out our share to give to Spain, Portugal, Greece, Estonia etc etc once we stop paying it?



Edited by foxy lady
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That is even more the case when you look at the Stay campaign. Where are the plans for the EU dealing with the migrant crisis it has created? What are the EU survival plans in the event that surging support for nationalist/anti-EU/Anti-immigration parties results in other EU countries wanting to exit? Where are the plans for avoiding another financial Greek tragedy?


Negotiating a free trade deal is a walk in the park compared to dealing with the big issues facing the EU... which is probably why the EU appears to have an 'it'll all work out someway plan'.


Do you believe that leaving the EU would isolate the UK from those problems? You can't negotiate new relationships with the stance that we want all the trappings that a rich country can get from globalisation, without meeting any of the responsibilities that globalisation gives a rich country.

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What about the €6.3 billion we get back from the EU, should the UK government take over those funding commitments?


They could use it for flooding protection. Leeds would not have flooded had they spend the money on work they knew in advance was needed there.

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It's great that people think that the UK would meet all the EU's funding commitments here in the UK.


I just worry because it seems to me that the money that we give to the EU has been spent many times over by the anti-EU brigade, and people are brazenly talking about spending a fair size of that money, around 40-40% in one swift swoop.


Interestingly I haven't seen any clear plans on what the UK plans to do with the money saved, and what they'll do about the money lost from the out campaign.

Edited by JFKvsNixon
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Interestingly I haven't seen any clear plans on what the UK plans to do with the money saved, and what they'll do about the money lost from the out campaign.


Since it is our money and not the government's I hope that we'll get the surplus in the form of tax cuts, but I'd take it being reallocated to everywhere outside London as an interim measure.

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It's great that people think that the UK would meet all the EU's funding commitments here in the UK.


I just worry because it seems to me that the money that we give to the EU has been spent many times over by the anti-EU brigade, and people are brazenly talking about spending a fair size of that money, around 40-40% in one swift swoop.


Interestingly I haven't seen any clear plans on what the UK plans to do with the money saved, and what they'll do about the money lost from the out campaign.


I think they are planning to spend it on HS2. Over the construction period we could save enough in EU contributions to pay for it 3 times over.

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Since it is our money and not the government's I hope that we'll get the surplus in the form of tax cuts, but I'd take it being reallocated to everywhere outside London as an interim measure.


So you believe that the €3 billion subsidies given to farmers should disappear overnight? Won't this lead to more expensive food? What about the €1 billion given to research, surely cutting this will have a detrimental effect upon the country?

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You have this the wrong way around. You are the one with the so-called problems so you need to identify them, not me.


Asking "how will we trade" doesn't cut it. Let's have some specifics, else it is just scaremongering.


At last, we are getting somewhere and you are at least willing to drill into this a bit without just accusing g me of scaremongering.


OK, let's start with the impact on:

1. Regulation. For each of the possible models post-Brexit outline the impact on regulation in the UK. To what extent will the UK have to adopt EU regulation. To what extent will the UK be free to diverge from EU regulation. What will be the impact on exporters.

2. Rules of origin. What are the implications?

3. Leeway to make own trade deals. Answer carefully on this because certain models offer virtually none, e.g. the Norway model.


---------- Post added 22-02-2016 at 10:27 ----------


The plan is to negotiate a free trade deal and that is what we will get. The notion that the EU will seek to punish us by blocking trade is scaremongering nonsense.


Business will continue pretty much as now but there may be some tariffs to pay. I would expect the government of the day to compensate businesses in the UK (using some of the £20 billion it will save) by reducing taxes and introducing schemes and incentives to encourage investment. I confidently predict that the sky will not fall in and the world will continue turning.


Cool. Show me the plan

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Do you believe that leaving the EU would isolate the UK from those problems? You can't negotiate new relationships with the stance that we want all the trappings that a rich country can get from globalisation, without meeting any of the responsibilities that globalisation gives a rich country.


It won't isolate us from those problems but it will help to minimise the financial and social cost.


The mass migration of people from the dysfunctional Muslim world has nothing to do with globalisation and we do not have a responsibility to solve their problems.

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