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EU Referendum - How will you vote?

Do you think that the UK should remain a member of the EU?  

530 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you think that the UK should remain a member of the EU?

    • YES
    • NO

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I dont see how you think we would not be one of the net contributors?

Running administration for 28 countries doesnt come cheap.


I didn't think that but wanted to know some important figures as since the Brexit bit there seem to be a lot of conflicting figures out there. Its important to know which countries the EU subsidise and why, how much this all costs in administration and what the UK pays in.

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Yes the way it works is that the richer countries subsidise the poorer ones, because the poorer ones are those most in need of aid. The richer countries benefit by having a larger market in which to trade.


I dont see how you think we would not be one of the net contributors?

Ruining administration for 28 countries doesnt come cheap.


You can compare all this with the amount of trade we do with the EU to give some perspective.


Fixed free of charge :thumbsup:

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There are almost a million UK citizens in Spain alone,yes but they do not claim benefits.


No the immigrant population of pagehall came about, when Idi Amin kicked them out of Uganda and the torries at the time let them in here.

But answer to the topic is yes,we have no control of our borders also the courts,we pay £55million a day to the EU,we can trade with the rest of the world,China and Russia invest more in to the country than the EU,we are in NATO we get more inteligence from the Americans,we will not loose jobs as they went in the seventies,when Thatcher took us in to the Common Market,or the EU now.

The French and Germans need us more than we need them,the value of the Euro is falling,plus the EU was a dream of Hitlers a European State run by Germany,and they scraped the Duty Free.

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You're obviously struggling with really simple things chalga, so to avoid you getting more confused I'll just ask exactly the same question again, but this time imagine that the UK isn't in the EU.


Why wouldn't the UK government use the money that would no longer be paid into the EU to fund all the projects that receive EU funding currently, and what would they do with all the money if they don't?


It is of course possible they would do just that, but maybe they won't. I think they won't based on the way they behave now.

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It is of course possible they would do just that, but maybe they won't. I think they won't based on the way they behave now.


They can fund everything at the same level and still save 2/3 of the bill. Why would they not?


Bottom line is South Yorkshires a relatively poor part of the UK. It's a massivesly rich part of the EU. Doesn't take a genius to do the maths on whats best for us in attracting funding.

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If this is the level of debate of the outers then the result is a foregone conclusion.


You just look at the calibre of the outers to understand what level of debate their supporters require - IDS, George Galloway and Nigel Farage, and the cherry on top of the cake is the person leading the campaign - Michael Gove!!!!

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Or maybe a large fraction of the money will be used to fund tax cuts for the rich and policies amenable to the governments corporate donors, rather than on that Welsh youth club.


:huh:? Tax cuts for the rich?? Everyone knows the rich don't pay tax :roll:. All the tax collected is paid by the poor and those on benefits :loopy:

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