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EU Referendum - How will you vote?

Do you think that the UK should remain a member of the EU?  

530 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you think that the UK should remain a member of the EU?

    • YES
    • NO

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Switzerland is the only place I've known a tramp ask to borrow a corkscrew to open his wine.


I thought I'd seen it all until last week I saw a tramp supping a bottle of prosecco outside the Lyceum in town. At 8:30am


that wasn't a tramp it was penistone99

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French is a language of the Indo- European family, all of which are descended from the spoken Latin language as are others such as Portuguese,Italian, Spanish,Romanian etc. So how far do you want to take it back. The fact I use a tag of panzer1 denotes an interest in engineering combined with an interest in armaments. As I said earlier I also have an interest in mythical gods but decided calling myself Mithras was probably taking it too far.

It is just a tag like LeMaquis who obviously fancies himself as some resistance fighter and picked the French phrase because of his left leaning political position. It's a tag nothing more or less and the word is still used in Germany today to denote an AFV.

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Loob you appear to be knowledgable one iwithnregards the eu and mentioned Switzerland having to have free movement but do they have to pay the benefits like we do to scroungers.
They sure do. Including to EU types who work there, since they have to comply with EU law in the matter under EFTA rules :)


But they're Swiss, so they're rather smarter with money than most, including the UK: Swiss benefits are contribution-based. No paying into the pot, no benefits.


Just like what Cameron obtained from the EU 27 with the 4-year hiatus on UK benefits for EU immigrants.


So that's another argument Brexiters can't rely on I'm afraid.

You though by all means take your business to the eu, do you have a workforce ?, are they going with you.
Yes, there is a workforce whose jobs are fully and directly dependent upon my work here. They're all Brits, all Sheffielders.


No, they are not coming with me. None of them speak any foreign languages, none of them are trained and/or qualified outside the UK. They're extremely well trained by us and amongst of the best in the business. But UK-bound, because of these 2 factors (to say nothing of their own family circumstance).


Regardless of whether I stayed and kept the business here, there is a very strong likelihood that there would still be redundancies anyway (Sheffield, perhaps also in Midlands) if the UK Brexits, and that we'll make a loss for a year or a few (so, during that time, contribute sweet FA through corpo tax, which we've always paid in full and on the dot), because the consequences of a Brexit for our industry are fully and accurately predictable: the whole profession in the UK will lose somewhere between 30% (optimistic) and 50% (pessimistic) of its caseload through loss of rights of representation at the EUIPO and at WIPO, and through perception of being 'out of the system' by non-EU foreign clients.


No ifs or maybes or hypotheticals or 'scaremongering' about that whatsoever, for once it's clear black and white: UK IP firms (and UK applicants directly) have a right of audience at EUIPO and WIPO (for international designs) solely due to the UK's membership of the EU, and the club is strictly EU members-only, no EEA/EFTA members allowed. Take the UK out of the EU, and then we're out of the system, period and simple as. UK companies and applicants will then have no other choice but to fatten Irish, French or German IP firms' pockets for the privilege of acquiring EU IP rights thereafter. No agreement or negotiation possible (the Swiss and Norwegians have been trying for a long time, no joy in sight whatsoever).


I've posted about it in the business section, look it up.


That's primarily why I'll be offshoring business and possibly jobs in case of a Brexit: it's just business panzer1, nothing personal about it. I'm not going to let Irish, French or German forms pinch my business, I'm moving it over there to try and keep it.


No.11's and the UK's loss, but hey-ho, you make your Brexiting choice, you get to live with the consequences, just as I do: you don't get to have your cake and eating it.


Now, that's just us, a very niche sector of the legal profession. Write that large to the entire UK services industry, with the commodity end servicing EU markets readily replaceable by EU competition (cheaper relative to the UK after Brexit, unless the UK then races to the bottom faster than the EU, India and a few others) and the more profitable specialist end hamstrung by loss of access (like our circumstances above, but think also about e.g. the UK finance industry losing its passporting rights), loss of manpower (the super-profitable and globally-renowned animation/CGI industry in Soho stands to lose a lot of hard-to-replace EU manpower to the US and Canada) and direct competition with the US and the BRICs outside the safety net of the EU trade agreements, particularly as they concern non-tariff barriers.


If you get your head round some or all of that, maybe you'd start to understand why every economist and his pet turtle all over the world is warning the UK about a recession after a Brexit. It's not a 'conspiracy' to 'scare' the electorate into voting Remain. It's to inform the debate about the highly likely consequences of a Brexit.


By all means stick to your personal feelings and convictions and vote Brexit.


But I ain't staying and waiting for the swift reality kick up the ar5e the UK will get after a Brexit vote. Fair enough I think?


After all, all the Brexiters want to do is look after no.1...so why should they criticise me for doing the very same?

Edited by L00b
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