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EU Referendum - How will you vote?

Do you think that the UK should remain a member of the EU?  

530 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you think that the UK should remain a member of the EU?

    • YES
    • NO

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French is a language of the Indo- European family, all of which are descended from the spoken Latin language as are others such as Portuguese,Italian, Spanish,Romanian etc. So how far do you want to take it back.


Which makes it more ridiculous that you'd say that you would never use a French word, they come from a shared background.


Also saying you intensely hate a country of however many millions of people does little to stop the 'little Englander' tag exiters are accused of but seem to want to distance themselves from.

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Old Dave doesn't seem to be having a good time,

"Furious Tory MP: If Cameron has misled Parliament over EU referendum he HAS to resign"



I posted waaay back that Cameron would do this. Sneaky bit of crap he is.

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Old Dave doesn't seem to be having a good time,

"Furious Tory MP: If Cameron has misled Parliament over EU referendum he HAS to resign"



Have you ever seen Jacob Rees-Mogg when he's on HIGNFY? He is a serious nutter.

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Funny isn't it, that when people put direct causal evidence of damage done by Brexit, as L00b did yesterday, the Brexiters disappear for a while. They did the same when I pointed out that the most complained about government decisions were wholly decided upon by the British government alone.

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Funny isn't it, that when people put direct causal evidence of damage done by Brexit, as L00b did yesterday, the Brexiters disappear for a while. They did the same when I pointed out that the most complained about government decisions were wholly decided upon by the British government alone.


Its about priorities, no one is arguing that Brexit won't have some negative consequences, there will be negative and positive consequences, whether we stay or leave, if you think the positives from leaving will out way the negatives you vote to leave, if you think the negatives of leaving will out way the positives you vote to stay. None of us can predict the future so it is all just a matter of opinion.

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If you want to stay in the EU, this is the type of person you are supporting. The quotes of Jean Claude Junker, president of the EU commission.


On Greece's economic meltdown in 2011:-

"When it becomes serious, you have to lie".


On EU monetary policy:-

"I'm ready to be insulted as being insufficiently democratic, but I want to be serious ... I am for secret, dark debates"


On British calls for a referendum over Lisbon Treaty:-

"Of course there will be transfers of sovereignty. But would I be intelligent to draw the attention of public opinion to this fact?,”


On French referendum over EU constitution:-

“If it's a Yes, we will say 'on we go', and if it's a No we will say 'we continue’,”


On the introduction of the euro:-

"We decide on something, leave it lying around, and wait and see what happens. If no one kicks up a fuss, because most people don't understand what has been decided, we continue step by step until there is no turning back."


On eurozone economic policy and democracy:-

“We all know what to do, we just don't know how to get re-elected after we've done it”


So there you are. All these people who talk about a "reformed" EU? Crap. The EU isn't going to reform, just read Mr Junker's words.


Reform? "On we go." "We continue". Officially, the opinion of the peoples of Europe does not matter. Only the EU elite are going to say what happens.


If you want to be ruled by a lying, arrogant elite that is utterly contemptuous of you and that you cannot vote for and cannot get rid of, then crack on.

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The subtext to the conversation by many Brexit supporters is blindingly obvious. To the point that any argument will be raised, and and counter ignored to support their fear of foreigners.
The most fundamental problem with that, as clearly manifested by the state of the campaign to date, is that it keeps the debate firmly entrenched at the (rethorical and populist) noddy end of the spectrum, and continues to impede an objective assessment of pros an cons for both sides.


The UK is getting to be a laughing stock and now damaging its reputation through it. I'm increasingly seeing it in international MSM (of repute, mostly business-focused print weeklies) and more anecdotally through chit-chat with foreign associates. Boris' recent Godwinism is seriously ricocheting within top level political circles globally, and will have some consequences.


Tim Martin articulates the Leave case a lot better than Boris and Farage could ever dream of. I agree with some of his arguments (that go the heart of what needs addressing and maybe reforming in the EU), I disagree with most of his arguments (that are unsurprisingly self-serving to his business and therefore his back pocket)...but when was the last time a Brexiter on here commented about what Tim Martin said, rather than post a snippet about Nigel's latest clowning at the European parliament or Boris' latest brainfart?

Edited by L00b
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